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Blackout [Season 3] by Woofle

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Blackout [Season 3]


Like with Whiteout, I touched this theme up a bit, and am reuploading it with better mixing, and all those goodies!

This is the credits theme for season 3, a remix of the credits theme to Season 2, Whiteout. I went for a much different feeling with the season 3 one, but not wholly, so that it is easy for listeners to link the two.
In redoing this, and the season 2 version, I have both lead off into the beginnings of the motif from 'Transformation' the credits theme to the final season, as all roads lead there.

This version is unique, in that the percussion is mostly made from distorted sound effects. That was a lot of fun to work with. I also added the 'acoustic' version which the main character, Verse, can perform in-game in as well, as it fit really well with this arrangement, and beefed it up nicely.

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    A lot more ache in this one... Not entirely 'mournful', but yeah. Very bittersweet version~♪

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      It's funny... out of all of my songs, this one is the one that aches the most for me personally. I 'softened the blow' as it were for the season 2 'mix, but I let a bit of it out more in this one. It's actually really nice to know that it can be heard in the song! ♥

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    This is pretty excellent, loving the poignant tone of it throughout.

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      Thanks so much! I really wanted to make this cut have more of an emotional punch. Sounds like I was successful?