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Library Shelf Wireframe by CoffeeBeanFlowerQueen

Library Shelf Wireframe


Here's the shaded wireframe to the model. I was thinking this was a bit more clearer than the other one but it just looks more cluttered. Sorry about that. At least you can see where everything is in a sense.

Here's the entire shelf. Everything in the image was modelled by me. Three weeks of work, mainly because I was lazy and didn't really wanna do it but I'm glad I got a chance to sit down and do some real work today on this and managed to fix a lot of problems I was having with the model in the first place.

But anyway, this is to be in the background-ish of the first couple scenes of the cinematic that my class is working on as a whole. Maybe more than just the beginning scenes. Whatever.

I put maybe too much detail in the doorknob things and they are literally the smallest thing on the entire model. You can barely see them but I feel proud that I managed to model them with out very much problems.

Reference to this model.

I tried to make it a little more original with at least following what it kind of looks like to keep that Victorian feel to it.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    This is really cool!!

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      I really like your art and it really means a lot that you commented on this and also, thank you~

      If you're curious about the model or anything to do with 3D modelling, feel free to ask me anything. I'll gladly let you know what I can and can't do in terms of said modelling.