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Woodpecker (2014) by jiasaykea

Woodpecker (2014)


Part of the Sky Above Earth Below Oracle Deck I created in 2014. Mixed Media

Woodpecker (Drumming, Rhythm)
Woodpecker pecks a rhythm in the trees. Woodpecker is well known for its ability to drill into the bark of trees in order to find food easily connecting it to the trait of rhythm. The beak of a woodpecker is kept sharp by the constant pecking. Inside is a long, skinny, and sticky tongue that can dart out and grab food. Their habitat is diverse, living everywhere but Australia, Madagascar, and other isolated island chains. Although they prefer woodlands and rainforests, some varieties of woodpecker live in the desert using cacti as a substitute for trees. The woodpecker has highly adapted feet that allow it to climb and cling to trees and a stiff tail feather it uses as a support mechanism. Although a woodpecker’s diet is comprised mainly of insects and grubs, they will eat fruit and even sap from time to time. A few species live on sap alone. Woodpeckers create their nests in cavities, often of their own making. Both male and female will help to incubate and feed the young as well as scare off potential threats. To prevent injury to the brain from repeated impacts the woodpecker has developed several adaptations, including brain size and placement.

Because of its sound woodpecker was frequently associated with drumming. Drumming is an important activity for many Native American tribes. Among several native tribes woodpeckers were seen as lucky. The red crest, seen on their head, was like a head dress. Their red crest was associated with the colour of blood and linked them to warrior spirits. The red crest may also link woodpecker to the root chakra, a center for primal, and protective energy. Roman culture also linked the woodpecker to war. Woodpecker’s drumming was often thought of as a better drum and linked it to the war god Mars. Some cultures even linked the sound of a woodpecker to the sound of thunder, connecting it to weather patterns. Psychiatrist Dr. Carl Jung equated the woodpecker with a desire to return to our origins.

When woodpecker pecks its way into your cards it may be time to embrace your warrior spirit. Are you following the beat, or beating your own drum? How in tune are you with the rhythm of life around you? Is it time to slow down the beat, or ramp up the rhythm? Woodpeckers are very connected with the element of wood, but also earth.

Astrology- (Native Jun 21-July 21) This Native sign is a great nurturer. Organized Woodpecker is very resourceful and good with money. Those born under this sign are tender and devoted to those they love. Woodpecker people need to be cautious of becoming possessive and jealous; even angry. Protective, but kind, Woodpecker makes a good friend and an excellent parent. Their great empathy and understanding make Woodpeckers wonderful listeners.

Stars and Constellations
Exuberance, Warrior Spirit, Alter Perception, Journey Within, Penetrate Old and New

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