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[COMM] A Change That Takes the Cake! Pt 1/? - by CP & Me by Charem

[COMM] A Change That Takes the Cake! Pt 1/? - by CP & Me



I might be a very fat and hungry doggy, but even I can be quite generous at times! Why, when Krown the owl-dragon came to visit, I even made him a big-huge-special cake to celebrate, made with plenty of fats and butter so he consumed as many calories as possible! I even let him eat every single slice, not even taking a single bite for myself...because after all, it was all for HIM!

...Sure, the fact I'd laced the cake with a very interesting potion I'd bought online may have had something to do with my altruism. But hey - it was gonna be a situation, in a little while. ;3

For now, I just kept feeding Krown, delighting in how fat and plump my special recipe made him! Such a big, squishy belly~ And soon to be squishier and...mmm, other things~ He was happy to be fed, too, just lazing in the middle of the dining room and being a lazy, ever-hungry fatty! Just like I wanted him to be. <3 woof

As I served him his last slice, I waggled my tail a little faster. I knew the potion would be taking effect soon...!

This was a commission that   congruentpartisan and I joint-worked on; as usual, he did lines, I did coloring~ The commissioner was   krown, the owlgon star of this. ^^

This is indeed going to be a series, at some point. For now, we only have part 1, but other parts will hopefully be in the works over time. :3 I don't want to spoil anything, but this will be both involving transformation and 'hard' vore, though for the latter, it's not in a way that you'd expect, or perhaps, even consider graphic. The hint I'll give for now: the old adage 'you are what you eat' applies well to this series. <3

As it stands though, this is a really cute cake-fattening picture, huh? ^_^ Krown is so delightfully flabby here, I could just bury right into his belly-rolls~ woof!

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