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Rabbit (2014) by jiasaykea

Rabbit (2014)


Part of the Sky Above Earth Below Oracle Deck I created in 2014. Mixed Media

Rabbit (Balance, Fertility)
Rabbit jumps to the ready. Rabbits are well-known for their ability to procreate, making it easy to link them symbolically to fertility. Serving as prey for many species, rabbits use their ability to procreate to repopulate quickly. With large ears well suited for listening and strong powerful hind legs rabbits can hear a predator coming and make a quick getaway. Hare’s and rabbits belong to the same family. Rabbits will make their homes in complex warrens beneath the ground, while hares will often burrow under trees and logs. Because they can hide more readily in winter, a rabbit may stay the same colour year round; while a hare will change colour according to the season. Baby rabbits, called kits, are born hairless with their eyes closed. Baby hares are born with fur and are able to open their eyes quickly. While rabbits are social creatures, living in groups, hares are more solitary. Rabbits have a knack for making their homes in a variety of habitats including woodlands, grasslands, wetlands, and even deserts. As strict herbivores, a rabbit (or hare) will use a biological adaptation called hind-gut fermentation in order to digest all the cellulose it eats.

In both Chinese and Japanese cultures rabbit is linked to the moon, often living on the moon. In Chinese culture they are part of the lunar zodiac. In Aztec mythology rabbits represented fertility, parties, and even drunkenness’ or lewd behaviour. Fertility is also attributed to rabbit among Celtic myth. Rabbit (hare) was sacred to the goddess Eostre, which may have given rise to the Easter Bunny myth (Ostara). Because hares are most seen during the spring and fall, the time when the day and night are most equal, Celtic myth also sees them as representing balance. Some Native American tribes saw rabbit as a trickster; while others saw rabbit’s constant running as a sign of fear and linked the animal to that trait. Trickster rabbit myths can be seen in the stories of Br’er (Brier) Rabbit, which may well be a melding of African and Cherokee myths in early America. In western European cultures carrying around a rabbit’s foot as a sort of amulet was said to bring good luck. This tradition spread and can still be observed today. Rabbits (and sometimes hares) are eaten by humans; though in Jewish tradition rabbit is not kosher. Rabbit pelts may be made into various clothing, their thick soft fur used for warmth. In literature and media rabbit persists in stories like Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, and Peter Rabbit. They range in character from comical ‘Bugs Bunny’ to the more serious ‘Usagi Yojimbo’.

When rabbit jumps into your cards it may be a good time to start new projects. Is it time to birth your latest project/idea? Are you acting more like a rabbit, or more like a hare? Are you jumping towards, or away from something? Rabbits are linked to the elements of earth, and wood; and to the moon card.

Astrology- (Chinese 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2035, 2047 or Mar 6- Apr 4) This Chinese zodiac sign is cultured and refined. Sensitive Rabbit is trustworthy and empathetic. This wood sign seeks harmony whenever possible and does so with a gentle nature. Rabbit people should be wary of becoming snobbish and pedantic; they may also harbour secretive or even deceptive tendencies. Diplomatic and sociable, Rabbit people make good caretakers. Those born under this sign are tactful and modest. They have great compassion and a trustworthy nature.

Stars and Constellations
Humility, Abundance, Fear, Rebirth, Luck

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