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Moments of Terror and Doom by QuentixStarwing

Moments of terror and doom

That is what we see, the outward of change
A halo upon the moon
A day covered in the gloom
If ever there was a desperate shiver
This time was now
It is not a time to stand alone
But to band together
Never let the moments come
When the terror and doom claim you
The rise of a dark shadow, leaves only room for light to vanquish
The tides shall turn and light turns midlight
A shadow is cast, but hides the day's sight
The light shall shine on the horizon
Foolish things may be overridden, a chance is but one time
That dance shall not end on its own
There it was a tangle of two forces

Light and Dark, the origins of all
That bringer of the elements a stand-out amongst its place
Terror and Doom in moments, are but a whisper...not a death knell.

Moments of Terror and Doom


A poem written the night of this...terrible time ahead. I would not say that the end is near, no...instead I see it as an awakening. A violent and necessary awareness to come over the vacant, placid fools who thought that it was a shoe-in for one way and not the other. So complacent actions are done and we shall reap which has been sewn.

But this is not over, by a long shot! The people be galvanized, rise to meet this blatant disregard for democracy! The light shall yet come to chase the shadows away, despite being in dark times, this is not over.

As we the people still live.

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Literary / Poetry / Lyrics