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Tie your toes with Tassles by QuentixStarwing

Tie your toes with tassles

When roaming through a long lost area
Tie your toes with tassles.

Dancing through the knee high grass
Tie your toes with tasstles.

Find some secret grotto in the woods
Tie your yours with lucky tassles.

Hope someone doesn't stay there
Tie your toes with lucky tasstles.

Bound to discover something new and hidden
Tie your toes with digging tassles.

Fearlessly walk into the dark lit area
Tie your toes with digging tassles.

Start digging in without a stick you find
Tie your toes with binding tassles.

Find something as a dark hint, a whisper, or a peep
Tie your toes with binding tassles.

Try to run when something starts moving
Tie your toes with stone weighed tassles.

Then it grabs you by the ankle
Tie your toes stone weighed tassles.

It drags into its pit so deep and dark
Tie your toes with forgotten tassles.

There is no hope for your escape
Tie your toes with forgotten tassles.

None shall find you in this grotto, these deep dark woods, past the high grass, in a place where none return from
They may never find those tassles.

Tie your toes with Tassles


A halloween themed poem, something a bit gloomy, a bit grim, and in the spirit! I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it.

I forget what this kind of poem is! Either way, enjoy it!

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