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Trade Negotiations 01 - The Throne Room by Rufellen

Trade Negotiations 01 - The Throne Room


Approaching the Throne Room Orel motioned for his crew to close and keep the chest they were carrying level. Running a critical eye over them he nodded in approval at the way they all scrubbed up well, their clothes had mostly come from his own chest or Captain Tarw's but it would do for now. He slowed as the royal herald approached the large rat inclining his head in greeting and holding a soft conversation before resuming his trek to the throne room alongside the herald.

Two guards pulled open the heavy doors and the herald stepped forward, "Your Majesty, Matt of the Pridelands of Kemi Kali, King Lion, may I introduced his grace, King of the Rattershatter Archipelago, Orel Narphos Lord Admiral of the Narphosian Fleet of the Yarguin Sea."

There was a mutter from the courtiers as Orel swept toward the throne, his long frock coat swirling about his ankles and the feathers of woven metal streaming out behind him. He stopped before the throne where the lion Matt, King Lion of the Pridelands sat upon his throne. Eyes used to assessing goods and enemies took in the King Lion's form, from the brocaded silks, expensive gems and crown. He looked like a king but Orel could see that beneath the finery was a warrior, he was no pampered fool with a tone body, muscular arms and a self assurance that the sword balanced across his lap for ceremonies sake could infact be put to skilled use in his defence and that of his land.

Motioning for his crew to play the chests by his feet with his tail whilst he was bowing the pi-rat king raised his head and met the King's eyes. For a moment they just watched one another, golden cats eyes focussed on dark brown rodent ones before the lion shifted his sword and spoke.

"Welcome Orel, Lord Admiral, your request for an audience caught me by surprise. My chancellor said I should ignore your request but I've always been curious and when the self proclaimed pirate king requests an audience I am inclined to at least meet him once."

"Your Majesty, I'm here today to discuss possible beneficial trade between my fleet and your lands.

"Trade!" Matt exclaimed, "What possible benefit could we possible gain from trade with a pirate!"

Removing a heavy document from the sleeve of his robe Orel held it out toward the throne, "I am not simply a pirate, the Rattershatter Archipelago belongs to me and my people. No nation can claim sovereignty over our shipping lanes and if foreign vessels sail our waterways and refuse to pay due customs and excise on the goods they are transporting then we have every right to stop them."

"You're pirates," a nearby functionary shouted in outrage, "You capture legitimate merchants, loot their cargo, kidnap their crews. You have no claim to those islands."

The rat's tail thumped to the ground as he glared at the gazelle, "I have every right to claim those islands. My people settled Ragri Island, excavated dry docks, constructed lighthouses and police the waterways. Port Mortimer is one of the largest docks for independent vessels in the entire Yarguin Sea," turning back to the King Orel squeaked softly, "I have a lot to offer and we have much that your people will want."

Waving a paw to silence the chancellor the lion leant forward, "What are you offering Admiral? What terms would you place before me."

"Port Mortimer has limited capacity for trade, for moving valuable goods to markets that would benefit. In exchange for permission to dock at your ports and for my captains to do business in your markets my fleet is willing to offer passage to Prideland vessels through our waterways as well as the right to dock at Mortimer, Derta and Halimar."

"Unacceptable, why would I permit your crew's, your pirates free reign to dock in my cities, to wander the streets of my towns."

"My crews know how to behave when ashore, they are no more disruptive than any other sailor. They also have a lot of exotic goods, trade fairly for them and they will enrich your lands. Goods you cannot get so easily here not to mention the benefits of safety from pirates."

"Interesting but... ultimately unacceptable," the king lion held up a paw, "As it stands now, your idea has some merit but I require more details of what you can offer."

"Your majesty you cannot be serious, this criminal should be clapped in irons, he's a pirate and..." the chancellor spluttered to silence as Matt stood up and casually pointed the sword the gazelle.

"I shall discuss the matter with the Pi-Rat King, your opinions grow tiresome keep this attitude up and I will permit Queen Resine's desire to add you to their next hunt," stepping down from the dais he glanced at the chests by the rat kings feet.

Noting the Kings glance Orel gestured to one of the chests, "You are in luck King Lion, I have brought a small selection of the exotic goods available to my fleet, goods not readily available in the Pridelands."

"Because your pirate fleet is capturing the merchant ships that might bring them?"

Orel grinned, "I couldn't comment on that, but I know I'd rather deal with one of my captains then the real pirates. The Merchant Princes who price most common folks out of the market for such goods."

"You'd undercut the competition then?" Matt queried, moving closer to the King of Pirates.

"My prices would be reasonable yes, it is amazing what savings you can pass on to the customer when you don't have to worry about... procurement costs."

Shaking his head the King motioned to some servants, "Bring these chests and follow," he looked back at the rat, "It would seem there is some potential to your idea, let us retire."

Part 1 in a series I am going to be slowly getting with Matt Lion featuring himself as the King Lion and my Orel as King of the Pi-Rats.

This piece is by the magnificent mothmonarch mothmonarch

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