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Tap A Quickly To Not Die As Fast by Deriaz

Tap A Quickly To Not Die As Fast


A concept sketch for my Kobold Gunslinger, Tenjal, "The Kobold who wants to be a Cowboy" or "The Cow'bold", for Koviell's D&D campaign. When I get home from vacation, I will be trying to do more focused portfolio work in order to be prepped for my job hunt attempt at the end of the year. This guy will then be hopefully rendered out to the best of my ability!

This is sort of exploring what I want the character to visually look like, a stance to hold, etc. Lots of opinions given by friends, and you're welcome to add your two cents into the mix! I think he's a little solidified, but there are details I've not considered or done wrong, I'm sure!

Mechanical Pencil
Critiques welcome as always!

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional


  • Link

    Such a fantabulous pose!!!! :D

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      Ah, thank you! I still enjoy it too, after all this time. I'm excited to work on it further in the near future.

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        You're most welcome! :)

        As long as you have fun, that's the most important part! :D

  • Link

    kobolds and jontron references are all i need in life
    loving your style! 8D

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      Thank you kindly! I'm glad to hear an approval. Means a lot to me. <3

      (I have had that song he uploaded recently stuck in my head since it released. Specifically that one line. help send help my address is 123 help)