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Relic by Deriaz



"… And given its lengthy list of assorted crimes, I recommend an expedited execution, if at all possible. Or should I say, dismantling…"

Character doodling for an evil D&D/Pathfinder campaign. I have to fill both the Rogue and the arcane slot, so Koviell alerted me to the Arcane Trickster prestige that I'll be going for. I hope he can survive long enough to get there. The first level has been rough so far!

I might paint him up for a token, maybe not. Still sort of figuring out his look/backstory/personality/all that.

Submission Information

Visual / Other


  • Link

    Man, warforged are so freaking cool.

    • Link

      I love Warforged (and now Ironborn) way, way, way too much. More than is probably healthy. Playable constructs? Absolutely. Sign me up. Forever and ever. Always. I live to be a robot.

  • Link

    Ooohhh, so this is the guy :D

    He look cool :)

    • Link

      Yes! From what I've seen of our group and how they act so far, he's actually the nicest of the party. Which is a struggle. I decided I don't want him to be entirely evil, but more of a mastermind. But given how bloodthirsty everyone else seems to be, I wonder how long he can keep it going. One person already commented that I was hanging back while they were killing servants. Man, that's so beneath Relic!

      • Link

        You could throw a rock and still get the battle exp :P

        • Link

          "Yes, I would like to buy one hundred rocks, please."
          "You realize you can sling spells, stealth, stab people, all that cool stuff?"
          "And you want rocks."
          "Can I ask why--"
          "Battle XP is important, and I really don't want to get blood on my hood."
          "You mean your hands. Blood on your hands."
          "Oh, no, gods no. These hands have been through a lot. I strangled a guy once. But this is some high quality cloth. You have to be careful when your fashion is on the line."

          • Link

            Oh my, a charisma based warforged :D

  • Link

    A very cool design!

    • Link

      I truly believe Warforged and Ironborn are incapable of being uncool. I think they keep forgetting to print that as one of the racial benefits you gain when playing as them~

      • Link

        You should definitely get a +1 to anything because of that! ;)