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Avatar for VasVadum


VasVadum / 34 / Male / Michigan

Commissions: Closed
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Requests: Closed

VasVadum's Shouts

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    So weird that they banned you on FA like that. I'm really sorry that happened.

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      Yea, well, Dragoneer chose to turn his site into a radical left zone, banning all free speech that isn't in agreement with his views. Anyone who says the wrong things can be banned. I told him I didn't like Orville Season 3 because of the radical leftwing agendas it pushes, and he blocked me immediately without hearing an explanation of anything, and banned me a month later.

      Unfortunately, no one wants to support me and help spread the word about it across the main users of furaffinity.

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        Hah, as a "radical" leftist I don't quite agree with that assessment but nonetheless your treatment was still unjust.

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          Well, I don't think Dragoneer pushes the radical left agenda as much now. However, when I said I don't like new age feminism, he was entirely offended. He didn't even let me explain anything.

          I dunno if you've seen Orville Season 3, but, it was awful. Everything was wrong with it. That lesbian bitch with the super brain acted like an activst social justice cunt the whole time, and in the first episode she was responsible for convincing Isaac into committing suicide. No one fired her, no one did anything about it, and because she had super brain, she could simply undo his death even though she wanted him to stay dead. Its entirely, absolutely, 100% the wrong message to send and it was the most awful thing they could do in the series. Keeping her around was an agenda based move. The entire season, had to put down men in every way and shown only women being strong.

          Thats not how you achieve equality, its how you reverse the tables and bring the 1960s back. Amazon has decided that this is how they want to push equality, and its wrong. Of course, any time I try to explain any of this to anyone, people claim I'm a sexist or racist or transphobe or whatever. People in this day and age, get offended so easily its stupid.

          As per what happened with FA, Dragoneer has always disliked me. I have been around long enough to personally witness many of his corrupt schemes. I even remember that time when FA suddenly experienced a hardware failure right when a brand new high end nVidia GPU came out, and he needed donations in roughly the same value as the GPU to fix it. He got them quickly, and the next day the site was both, fixed, and he was selling his old GPU because he just bought the new one. Suspicious huh? Its quite the shame that people forget these things, and move on because "Everyone's on FA so who cares who's running it" and whatnot. :/

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            Well I didn't exactly need the lecture (speaking frankly- especially from someone that allows culture war bs to have so much weight in their arguments rather than the things that actually have material impacts on people's lives) and no I don't bother with pop culture media much so I'm not familiar with the show, and to be quite honest simply do not care. I'm not even sure what you mean by "bring the 1960s back" especially since that was a time of massive left wing social movements. Though sure, the government was a special flavor of awful back then (though it's much worse now for many reasons) which was why those movements existed in the first place.

            I had read your journal documenting what happened and the screenshots you posted and I agree that it was probably a personal grudge and that your ban was unprofessional and probably unwarranted. Especially with the profilieration of horribly behaving individuals and other unsavory content that borders on legally questionable such as cub porn, and the staff's enabling and participation in this type of content. It's well known and established that FA's staff is extremely corrupt and you'll be hard pressed to find people who disagree, so unless there's some detail about your ban that you're leaving out then you don't need to bend over backwards about it. I get it, they suck and I've wished for a very very long time that people would leave FA for a more ethical and better run platform. I'm not sure what the rest of your post has to do with anything, but it seems you are easily angered by trivial things.

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              Pop culture media? Orville was a sci fi show. A star trek re-imagined thing.

              Bringing the 1960s back, well that means, setting one gender down as if its worth less, as they did in TV shows by making women look like they don't know how to do anything or were there as sex dolls and other demeaning things like that. Only now days, its going to the reverse and opposite side. Demeaning men, calling them dumb apes that can't do anything except fight. I was simply explaining why I don't like the new age radical left stuff.

              I was also trying to explain why I believe him to be radical left, because he is either a true believer in this stuff, or, he's using it to hide his corrupt past and pretend to be a good guy now.

              I do wish people would have left FA though, but for some reason no one cares about its corruption.

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                I can assure you Dragoneer isn't a "radical leftist". He's just a liberal. The culture war/identity politics nonsense is a red herring and liberals are not exempt from ridiculous behavior in any capacity. Conservatives aren't exempt from this either, even if they generally go a different direction with it. (Speaking of I could go on to explain how both groups i.e. "liberals and conservatives" are just liberals of different flavors, but I'm guessing it might not be received well lmao)

                But yeah I share your frustration over people not caring about the platforms they use. I've also long felt the same about other more common ones like facebook and twitter as they objectively leave humanity worse off with the way they are managed (manipulated). But that's what happens when everything is set up in a for profit manner, you don't get ethical leaders.

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                  Luckily, Twitter is in the hands of someone centered now, who wants free speech to be a thing again. Equally enforcing the rules against the left and the right instead of only the right.

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    Question for you on your YCH dislike; If the person isn't closing their commissions and still drawing regular pieces, are you against them still?

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      Nope. But my big problem with YCHs on FA is that people post them, sometimes without titling it as a YCH, so I go there and favorite some lineart drawing only to find out it was a YCH and I shouldn't have bothered loading it because it'll be deleted in a day anyway and favoriting deleted art is pointless and stays in your favorites as "deleted submission".

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    Thank for the watch! :)

    I'm currently in the process of rebooting my story, but I should hopefully have something posted a couple of weeks from now.

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    Thanks for the fallow!!

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    Thanks for following. What brings you my way?

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      Saw a journal about you doing a raffle, didn't feel like entering though so I just watched. :P Mostly that I don't post journals forwarding people to another journal or artist for raffles, I think that the art being done is the exposure/advertising for the artist, as they get linked in the submitted work and all that and people who like that particular image tend to go check out the original artist to see what else they might like. I see that much more often than someone getting watches from posted raffle journals with someone going "Hey, go check this person out because free raffle and I needed to post a journal to get in!". :P

      Anyway, some of the stuff on your page interested me, so I watched/followed. (Used to FA terms :P)

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    Thanks for following!

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    ello ello ello ;) tanks for the favs! -wags-

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    Oh hey there :)