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Strailo / Female

I am not a machine. Do not expect me to write like one.
Commissions: Open
Trades: Sometimes
Requests: Sometimes

Strailo's Shouts

  • Link

    Does not want to work. *sighs*

    Does not want to deal with apartment inspection. *mopes*

    *plops on your page to write instead* (I started this while at work while you were otherwise occupied. Yes, I've started a new story. No, I'm not sorry in the least. Yes, it's your fault.)

    Clint had had a crush on Coulson for forever. He’d started trying to get Coulson’s attention, but it had not gone well. Clint had tried everything. He just could not get Coulson's attention. Coulson treated him like a competent agent, a rare thing in SHIELD with his background, but he never went beyond his professional barrier. Coulson wasn't like the others who found him annoying, but treated him with a cool professionalism when required to work with him. Coulson actually respected him, but the man was so professional it drove Clint up a wall when all he wanted to do was fuck Coulson against the wall.

    Clint had asked Coulson out to dinner multiple times, but Coulson always had something more pressing, a valid reason to turn Clint down, any number of responses none of which were yes. Clint was seriously beginning to think Coulson was asexual as he’d never seen him with women and he was completely ignoring Clint’s advances.

    Clint hoped for a mission just for the two of them. Maybe then Clint would be able to corner Coulson and figure out what was going on with the man. While it was absolutely true that the man had turned down every invitation Clint had given him for dinners, dates, and even straight up sex, he had never actually told Clint he wasn’t interested and that led Clint to hope that maybe his handler was interested and was just turning him down for other reasons. Now if only he could figure out how to get through Coulson’s professionalism, so that he could figure out what was really going on, he’d be able to come up with a decent plan.

    • Link

      *cackles* I take full blame for it. *nods* I love it, sweety. I really do. *licks on happily* And very, very nice. :D

      • Link

        Good you should. Don't leave me alone with little chatting capabilities with you for so long next time. While I wanted to write while you were less contactable than normal and started a number of things my muses refused to put out more than a few words on each until you returned. So no more leaving. *nods*

        • Link

          *chuckles* I'm sorry sweety. *snuggles* I'll be home soon.

          • Link

            Yay! And then you'll have access to evil plan #2 or is it #3(I have so many plans it's hard to keep track of) *cackles*

            *is happy Ane liked her bday gift*

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        lol. I have images in my head of Clint asking Fury for permission to date Phil. I'm just not sure if that's going to go into this story start or into it's own or what.

        • Link

          It so should!

          • Link

            You think Clint asking Fury permission to date Phil should be part of this story, huh?

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        As an additional random bday present(and because I was inspired tonight when I woke up to write this little scene to finish the one I already started for you here... Have some more story. Love you. Happy Birthday, Rosey.

        He’d been trying to figure out exactly that plan as he stared first at the stars and then at the buildings of New York before looking down at the cars he could see and the people though most of them were grifters. His musings were interrupted by the door to the roof opening. It was unlikely that it was someone sent to kill him given he was on SHIELD’s roof, but you never could tell, so he turned to see who had joined him tonight.

        Sometimes Nick Fury terrified him. When he approached him while he was alone on the roof, clearly searching him out with a twinkle in his eyes was one of those times. If he was needed for a mission, Fury would just send an agent to fetch him. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know what brought the man out here tonight.

        “Barton.” Fury’s voice harsh and terrifying enough to send the junior agents running if they had been around acknowledged with a short nod.

        Not knowing what was going on. The only possible response, he could have was “Sir?” a questioning lilt to the end of his word.

        “I need you to help me with something that is top secret.”

        “Sir.” Clint responded sharply. Maybe it was just a mission. He could handle that.

        “The details are in here.” Fury handed him an envelope oddly colored as it was green instead of SHIELD’s normal, yellow, red, and orange that signified the basic security clearance behavior needed in regards to the contents.

        Yellow meant low security could be shared with practically any SHIELD employee if you were so inclined. Oranged meant need to know only, only share with your team. Red meant for your eyes only, do not share with anyone. Clint didn’t know what green meant. Instead he settled for another simple, “Sir.”

        “I don’t think I need to tell you this, but do not tell anyone about this not even your handler.” Fury did that one eyed stare thing meant to creep people out.

        Clint had long ago figured the secret to that trick. Being from the circus did sometimes come in handy at SHIELD and had no problems easily ignoring it. So green must mean it’s even higher security clearance than his handler which given his handler was Coulson who was Fury’s right hand man that was saying a whole lot.

        He wondered why he was being given this mission his security clearance was high, but not higher than Coulson’s. “Yes, sir.” Clint didn’t salute even when he sometimes felt he wanted to because of his military background. Saluting was quickly trained out of you at SHIELD unless you were trying to suck up to Hill which was a disturbing mental image, he didn’t need. She was like a bulldog and he couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to get close to that.

        Fury nodded sharply content that he was understood and pivoted his jacket billowing around him graceful as he returned to wherever he had come from.

        That left Clint alone on the roof again with only a green folder to keep him company. Fury hadn’t expressed any sort of urgency about how quickly the mission needed to be completed, so Clint assumed that meant he could open the folder inside. The roof was great for watching other people, but was not the most secure place to look at confidential information.

        Taking a deep breath to try and center himself and regain some of the calm that Fury had shattered with his mere presence, Clint looked out at the night skyline of the city again. Sometimes he wondered what it would be like to be one of the people down there living a normal life with a normal job and then he would remember he wouldn’t be able to use his archery skills or see Coulson and he didn’t wonder anymore. Considering the night skyline one last time for it’s beauty before deciding that peace would not come to him until he knew just what exactly Fury had dumped on him, he headed back to his quarters on base.

        • Link

          *wiggles in excitement and bounces with a coo* Thank you sweety! I love it. *hugs*

          • Link

            *watches you* *stalks* *smirks* Since you're so excited and I wrote during work today... Here have some more:

            Sitting down on his purple couch, one of the few vanities he allowed himself, Clint opened the folder. At first he didn’t understand what he was looking at. Coulson’s face was staring straight at him it seemed and it startled him. Coulson was Fury’s right hand man. Why was Fury wanting him to do this whatever it was that was related to Coulson? It definitely explained why he wasn’t allowed to tell his handler, however.

            Shifting through the pages, he blinked as he saw picture after picture of Coulson on various ops. Clint knew they were ops as he had been on most of them and those pictures were already etched into his mind for very different reasons. There was a picture of the op in Rome where Clint had been stuck out on the roof of a very dingy building in the rain while Coulson ran around with his suit plastered to him like a second skin. He should have looked like a drowned rat instead he just looked hot.

            Clint remembered that op too when Coulson’s skin shone from the reflection of the sun off the water trailing down his back as he was undercover as a lifeguard on a beach. Then there’s the pic of Peru where Phil looked positively savage and Clint hadn’t been able to decide if he wanted to fuck Coulson or be fucked by Coulson more. There were also a few pictures that Clint didn’t recognize what op they were from, but they were rare except for the ones with a clearly younger Coulson which Clint assumed were before Clint had joined at SHIELD.

            Then at the back were a ton of pictures that Clint didn’t recognize. In each picture there appeared to be a prostitute or escort sometimes male, sometimes female on his arm. These pictures ranged if placed by the age of Coulson from when he first joined SHIELD or perhaps slightly before to until probably 3 or 4 years after Clint had been hired on at SHIELD. In the last few years after Clint had been hired on the number of pictures were slowly decreasing.

            Only after he had seen all the pictures did he find the mission info. It was short and to the point not at all like the detailed briefs he was used to getting from SHIELD, but then aside from the pictures, which Fury had probably stolen from the SHIELD DB, it looked like Fury had done all the research himself, so that was probably why it wasn’t as detailed since he probably didn’t want the researchers or analysts getting their paws on his right hand man.

            There was a sticky note attached to the mission info, it said. “Barton, Coulson is my right hand man. I can’t have him coming unglued on me. Figure out what’s going on and fix it if necessary, so that he won’t become broken.”

            Peeling the sticky note off the mission info, he quickly read the sparse information. Apparently, Coulson used to regularly partake of the options to quench his sexual desires and had for unknown reasons petered off and stopped in accordance with the approximate timeline of the pictures. There was no change in relationship status and no sight of a boyfriend or girlfriend despite Coulson telling Stark about a cellist.

            As far as SHIELD could tell the cellist did not exist and Coulson was only more and more dedicated to his work. Psych was getting concerned that Coulson would burn himself out soon if something wasn’t done about the situation soon.

            Even more worrying to them was that his visits to his family were occurring with less frequency than they had been and his vacations were now practically non-existent. He still worked hard before, but he would always take at least a week off every year sometimes more. Now they were lucky if they could con him into taking a day off or even just taking it easy with lighter missions.

            For right now, his mission was simply observation. He needed to observe Coulson and see if he could find out why the man’s habits changed or maybe if something was bothering him that would have caused his habits to change. After a cause was found, he would then either fix it himself if he could and if he couldn’t he would pull in Fury for strategic help in how to fix it.

            Clint almost whooped in delight. This would be the easiest mission ever; well at least the observation would be. It wouldn’t even seem abnormal to Coulson since Clint generally followed him around anyway. Plus who was Clint to say no to being ordered to watch Coulson’s sexy body in this suits in great detail. It wasn’t like he was dead, after all. Or like he had a crush or anything.

  • Link

    *is contently plotting more evil plans* *cackles* *goes back to evil plans* I need to get most of them finished today. O.o

    • Link

      *chuckles* You are doing many an evil plot. *nods* *licks*

      • Link

        Of course, I am. Evil plans are a part of my job description. Though they will be put temporarily on hold while I sleep. So enjoy the evil plan free time while it lasts which likely won't be long. I'm pretty sure I have more evil plans in motion than you are even aware of.

  • Link

    Had to check this place out. Wound up joining. Luffs upon.

    • Link

      Yay! *snuggles the adorable* *fluffles* *beams*

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        *rubs against.*hehe

  • Link

    *pounces* *cackles evilly and runs off*

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      *squeals and goes down* *twitches cutely*

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        *pets and purrs*

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          *basks in the love*

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            *snuggles and fluffles and cuddles*

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              *coos happily* *licks*

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                *dumps flowers on you*

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                  *rolls in the flowers*

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                    *cuddles* So tired.

                    • Link

                      My poor lovely. *snuggles*

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                        It is at exactly 2000 words. I go to bed now. *is still astonished at the word count* I haven't written that many words in one day aside from forcing myself to write for swaps instead of just having fun writing since 2010.

                        • Link

                          *chuckles* You're doing wonderfully sweety! It's surprising what having a couple of people stalking you will do for your muse.

                          • Link

                            Yeah. I've decided I'm a social writer and am more likely to write when I have people actively reading what I'm writing and enjoying it and not just demanding updates, but understanding it takes me time to update and that I'm busy and telling me the bits they like and such.

  • Link

    Thanks so much for the watch <3

    • Link

      You're quite welcome. :)