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Avatar for Sekaru


Sekaru / 29 / Blond and Loving It / N. Charleston, SC

So soneone brought their little son and he was crying so I was about to ask them to put their son on vibrate but then it would be horrifying to imagine a kid shaking so fast that their mom has to use

Sekaru's Shouts

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    Thanks a lot for the follow, Sekaru!

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      No problem. I'm moving on from FA and tired from trying to educate blunt headed people so I'm breaking from the situation for now but yeah I hope you end up winning this and stuff.

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        Thanks, though it's not really me vs. them — it's a general fight against ignorance and indifference, and anyone who's voicing their disapproval is helping.

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          Yeah. I just didn't know how to put it. I just am going to pull back from anything else because it's stressful and I got stuff here I need to focus on, if understandab;e but I still don't agree with this situtation and it needs to be fixed, but FA is shit so

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    Thank you for the follow! I appreciate it! :D

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      Not an issue! I've been following you on FA so I've been trying to find the people I follow there here and I saw your journal.

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    Welcome to Weasyl!

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      Thank yoooou