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Avatar for Kiha


Terri Collins ("Starfrit Avalon") / 33 / Female / Newfoundland, Canada

Wellp, that just happened.
Commissions: Closed
Trades: Closed
Requests: Closed

Kiha's Shouts

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    Thanks for the follow!

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    You have some lovely linework and character design! Thank you so much for following. :)

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    You have some very nice looking art, that is where they are all coming from. Still working on getting set up myself. Hope people don't think it's odd that I do a lot more then just anthro characters. Seems most of what I see is in the category of anthro so far, so my other pieces feel a bit out of place. But, I'm an artist of many types, so I draw what ever grabs my interest and fancy. XD

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      Thanks for following me! :D And your art is super cute, so I'm following you back!

      I don't think anybody will find it weird that you do more than anthro characters; a lot of the people I follow here are the same way, myself included! :D To my understanding Weasyl is trying to appeal to artists of all types, not just anthro, just where so much of their initial advertising/pr-stuff was inside the furry fandom, there's still a larger portion of furry artists. Hopefully that doesn't discourage you at all!

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        No, it doesn't, not really. I have a few friends that were members of Fur mostly because it was a community that would be good for posting anthro based OCs and fan character. And I've heard from a few that there is some bad vibe stuff happening over at Fur, though I don't know many details, and some of the members have left and are looking for a new home :( And Weaysl provided one.

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        And thanks for the follow back! I'll have lots more stuff to post up too, though it might take a while.

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    Thank you for following me!

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    okay, no more guessing IT'S ME! Did I fool you? <3 I'm tricky!

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    CHIrP CHIrP chiRp You know. And I love you. And you're borrowing my partial. DID I GIVE IT AWAY? I LOVE YOU.

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    Such a cute burdie!