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Avatar for XMireillechanX


Mireille-chan / Female

♔Internet Princess♔
Commissions: Closed
Trades: Closed
Requests: Closed
XMireillechanX’s avatar

To All I Owe Art/Commissions

I wanna apologize to everyone who is waiting on art from me. It's been hard for me to work on much of anything lately due to my job. I recently got a new job and I've been getting a lot of hours, not by choice. ;w; I've also been working 6 days a week with only 1 day off a week and it's been hard f…

XMireillechanX’s avatar

Commissions - OPEN!

❥Slot 1 - OPEN! ❥Slot 2 - OPEN! Here is my commission info. Also, make sure you use this order form in a note when purchasing a commission. ❥Username:: (Insert your username here.) ❥Commission Type:: (Sketch, chibi, chibi pony, semi-chibi, mini chibi, half body, full body, sin…

XMireillechanX’s avatar

Back from Hiatus o3o

So I guess I'll address that, yes I'm back from my little hiatus again, somewhat. I have been drawing a lot lately and feel like I'm back into the mood to start working on stuff again. Thank you all who were patient for waiting on me and thanks to all the new watchers who probably thought this was…

XMireillechanX’s avatar

Ohayocon 2016

Time to post my obligatory, who is going to Ohayocon? x3 I'll be going this year with my friend, nayrudragon and a friend of hers. We have a fun group cosplay planned for Saturday, but I don't wanna give any hints, cause I'm super excited to wear it. >w< This will be my first group cosplay!! Yay! S…

XMireillechanX’s avatar

I'm Back

I'm back, my sweetest strawberries! ♥ Did you miss me? >//w//< So, moving is a lot more work then I thought it would be. xD Or maybe it was just this move since we've accumulated a lot more stuff over the years. It was also a bit of a snag in our moving plan when we found out how nasty the carpets…

XMireillechanX’s avatar

Small Hiatus

Hello my little strawberries, hope everything is well. ^^ I just wanted to announce I'm taking a small hiatus. I'm currently in the process of moving to a new apartment, so all my time will be tied up in packing/moving/unpacking. I might be able to hop on and answer any comments you guys leave me,…

XMireillechanX’s avatar

KK_Furryworks Advent Calendar

kk_furryworks is doing an advent calendar for the month of December. It's all original species based and there are a few guests along the line, me being one of them. You can check out everything there is to offer here. I'm offering up a Rare hybrid of my or…

XMireillechanX’s avatar

I feel like crap

This has got to be the worst week for me in a long, seriously everything crappy is happening and really I can't do anything about it. First off, I've been sick for a week or so now, though I think it's starting to finish up running it's course, but it's still crappy, coughing so hard yo…

XMireillechanX’s avatar

Happy Halloween!

To all my little strawberries!!! ♥ I hope you night is full of tricks, but most of plenty of treats~ ♪ To help you celebrate this wonderful holiday of sweets, I have a couple cuties who still need a home who are perfect for celebrating Halloween. 1 Candy Corn witch is still lo…

XMireillechanX’s avatar

FFXIV ARR - Ceremony of Eternal Bonding

I finally got the videos uploaded of mine and Zai's wedding in FF14. The video is in 2 parts, but I'll link them both here for anyone who was interested in seeing it or wanted to come, but couldn't. We had a blast and I was spazzing the entire time of how cute and pretty it was. xD PART ONE https:/…

XMireillechanX’s avatar

Birthdays an Anniversaries

Just a heads up I might not be super active later today or any tomorrow. Today is my husband's birthday and tomorrow is our 1 year wedding anniversary. >w< Which tomorrow we have plans to go out and whatnot for that. So, don't miss me too much my little strawberries, I'll be back before you know it…

XMireillechanX’s avatar

FFXIV ARR Eternal Bonding ceremony

Anyone on the server, Sargatanas who would like to attend mine and Zaiik's wedding on Final Fantasy XIV, let me know, either message me here or in game, my username is Mireille Chan, so we can meet up in game for your invitation. It's at 5:00pm on September 27th. Thank you! ♪

XMireillechanX’s avatar

FFXIV ARR Eternal Bonding ceremony

Anyone on the server, Sargatanas who would like to attend mine and Zaiik's wedding on Final Fantasy XIV, let me know, either message me here or in game, my username is Mireille Chan, so we can meet up in game for your invitation. It's at 5:00pm on September 27th. Thank you! ♪

XMireillechanX’s avatar

So happy right now!

So my hubby surprised me last night with an early anniversary gift. He had me log onto FFXIV and in my mail waiting for me, was the item to start the quests for the Eternal Bond quests. >w< I’m so happy! ♪ Once we finish the quest stuffs, I’ll start inviting people who would like to join us for our…

XMireillechanX’s avatar

Cedar Point

Just giving a heads up that I'll be gone the next couple days. I'm going on a trip to Cedar Point. So if I don't respond right away or anything, that's why. If you need me or anything, send me a note and I'll get back to you. Take care, my little strawberries! ♥

XMireillechanX’s avatar

Off to Ohayocon 2015

I'll be on hiatus for the weekend. I'll be away at Ohayocon! Yay! So I probably won't be able to reply to anything, but I can still check my messages. If it's important, leave me a note! Thanks!

XMireillechanX’s avatar

Mir now has a!

I got a code from the lovely k-kouhai on dA. Please stop by and check it out!

XMireillechanX’s avatar

Mir now has a FB fanpage

I finally decided to make my own personal Facebook along with a fanpage for my artwork. Please, check it out! Thank you! >w<

XMireillechanX’s avatar

Mir now has a Patreon!

With some coxing from a friend, I decided to make a patreon to help support myself. Please check it out, even if you can't donate. Thanks!

XMireillechanX’s avatar


If you remembered at the beginning of October I had posted about losing my job, but then I had my job reinstated. Well, Monday morning, right before it was time to clock out, my manage called me to follow him down to HR. They said there was an issue with an EKG I had performed and a doctor had comp…

XMireillechanX’s avatar

Sketch chibi requests - OPEN!

I'm offering some sketch chibi requests for practice. They'll just be a simple, detailed sketch. Something along the lines of this. This isn't first come first served. Just post your ocs and I'll be picking what ones I want to draw and o…

XMireillechanX’s avatar

YCH suggestions?

I'm looking for a good suggestion for my next YCH auction. Any ideas? It can be SFW or NSFW, I'm pretty open for anything and feel free to include any of my ocs.

XMireillechanX’s avatar

Loot Crate!

Just signed up for Loot Crate! If you're into geeky awesome stuff, please use the link below to sign up for it. Totally worth the money for it and it's always a fun surprise!

XMireillechanX’s avatar

Sites where you can find me!

♥Twitter♥ ♥deviantArt♥ ♥Furaffinity♥ ♥pixiv♥ ♥tumblr♥ ♥paigeeworld♥…

XMireillechanX’s avatar

Chibi commission sale - OPEN!

♥ Buy 2 chibis, get 1 free! ♥ (Will be taking 4 slots, if you order 2 chibis for the deal, it only occupies one slot.) ❥All chibis cost $10.00. (Though if it's a complex character, prices are subject to change.) ❥Slot 1 - OPEN! ❥Slot 2 - OPEN! ❥Slot 3 - OPEN! ❥Slot 4 - OPEN! Also, make sure you use…

XMireillechanX’s avatar

Happy birthday to Mir!

Today’s my birthday. I wanna go ahead and thank everyone in advance for the birthday wishes and gifts. ^^ Mir loves you and appreciates everything you do for her. ♥

XMireillechanX’s avatar


I now have a PaigeeWorld. Nothing's uploaded yet, but give me time. ♥

XMireillechanX’s avatar

Commissions - OPEN!

I was planning on taking a hiatus once I got caught up on my work so I could do personal stuff, but I'd like to help our wedding fund out some more so I decided it's probably better that I work on commissions seeing as my adopts/YCH are starting to flop. So, with that I'm opening a few slots for co…

XMireillechanX’s avatar

[Original Species] Furutsunomimis

Okay, so to get to know these little creatures better and know what they are exactly, I think this journal would help fill everyone in who's interested in this species. Furutsunomimis are a closed species. That means you can't make your own copy or copy this species information for your own species…