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Avatar for silver-phoenix103


Silver / 33

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silver-phoenix103’s avatar

Been a While

Hey all, sorry I haven't been around much. I need to fix that >.>;;; Just dumped a good handful of pics and hoping to do more later :D Hope everyone is having a wonderful day/night! ~Silver

silver-phoenix103’s avatar

Commission are Open!

Hey guys, I’m open for commissions! You can see my prices here: Me and my fiance could really use a new bed, but we are little short on funds. Also I really want to buy my fiance a drum. He played one at a Ren fair and had a lot of fun with…

silver-phoenix103’s avatar

I'm seeing a pattern with my uploads

Well, kind of. I seem to just disappear for weeks at a time, upload two or more pictures fairly consistently for a couple of days and then leave again. I am honestly always on the computer, but don't always draw or feel like what I've doodled is worth posting. (I guess that pretty commonplace for m…

silver-phoenix103’s avatar

Sorry for lack of updates

I've been pretty busy with work lately and haven't had much time or motivation to really draw much. I have a few big pictures I've been working on here and there, so there's that. I also have been thinking and working on ideas for a new project. I've actually had this idea in mind for a while now,…

silver-phoenix103’s avatar

Family and Holidays

Sorry I haven't posted anything in a bit. I'm at my parents place for the holidays and have had little time to post and draw. I'll try to find some time soon and get a few ideas I've had out :) Again sorry for being gone, but holidays are busy times @_@ Hope you all are having wonderful days/nights…

silver-phoenix103’s avatar

Why art is sometimes weeks apart...

I just feel like I should post this, also to get that old journal off. Motivation keeps coming and going for me. It's a little odd, but I feel like I keep getting bursts of depression or just generally can't bother myself to pick up a pencil. I am working on other little things in the background, b…

silver-phoenix103’s avatar

Still slow :C

Yeah, gotta work on that, but at least I am working...just not on art |D Been working on my Weebly (yes I have one now) and it's looking good. It's going to be used as a reference center for my characters with info and pictures about them. Everything is really rough, but if you would like to check…

silver-phoenix103’s avatar

Sorry for lack of updates

Hey all sorry I've been gone for a bit, got hit with low motivation bug. I just can't seem to get anything out. I almost want to call it art block, but it doesn't really feel like that. I can draw, I just don't know what to draw or if I even want to bother. Some days I feel so jumbled that I can't…

silver-phoenix103’s avatar

Going home

I've been at my parents house for about three months now and tomorrow I'm going home. Hopefully art will pick up a little. Commissions and family have been taking a bit of time from me and also my motivation has been fluctuating. Hopefully being back in my little nest in PA will perk me up and get…

silver-phoenix103’s avatar


Honestly it's making me a bit depressed to see so many adoptables popping up. I've noticed more and more artists are relying, or trying to rely, on them for quick cash. Making simple bases and throwing shit on them then selling them...ugh, adoptable bore me! Like, I understand why artists make them…

silver-phoenix103’s avatar

Birds, Boids, and Doodled Feathers

Just wanted to let everyone know I made a doodle blog! It will be filled with nothing but bird doodles of all species :D Birds are my favorite things to doodle and they help me relax. So, after a little thinking, I decided to make a blog. It'll be a sort of collection of my doodles and I may play a…

silver-phoenix103’s avatar

Just Realized

Just realized I have a good amount of pictures I still haven't uploaded here ^^; I know I said it would probably be a long process in the first place, but honestly I just plan forgot :P So yeah, still expect a mix of new and old art here for a while. Just wanted to let you all know also in case you…

silver-phoenix103’s avatar

Hello Weasyl!

Hiya! Wow this place is fresh and very well organized O.o I'm not used to that lol. So I'm still getting used to this, but I'll try to move some stuff from my DA/FA over to here. It'll be a little slow going, but I'm sure a lot of people are doing this and know the drill :) I'll be posting a lot to…