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Avatar for SailorX2


Skele Queen / 29 / Female / Midwest Gothic

The Unchosen One
Commissions: Closed
Trades: Sometimes
Requests: Closed
SailorX2’s avatar

The "Rules" of Composition

These are the so-called "rules" of composition as my old photography teacher told me. A good photographer has to be a master of composition, and those same skills can apply to ANY other areas of visual art (which is why I suggest people have some 101 experience in other mediums, even if they don't…

SailorX2’s avatar

More Migrants from DeviantART who Might not Have Technically Left

This site's an interesting place, I'll tell ya that. Yet another refugee from deviantArt here, I'm pretty intrigued by this site, and I'm curious to see how it grows. Hopefully it doesn't die a quick and very painful death like MangaMagazine/Inkblazers. Either way, I'm open to conversation, so you,…