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Avatar for reddgreene


Redderton "Redd" Greene / 28 / Male / Lethbridge, AB, Canada

Commissions: Closed
Trades: Open
Requests: Open
reddgreene’s avatar

Time to shape up!!!!

Figuratively and Literally! I recently found a workout done by Japanese speed skaters to reduce their body fat and raise their metabolism, you do various exercises with 110% of your energy behind it and try and do as many as you can in twenty seconds, rest for ten seconds, then do another excersize…

reddgreene’s avatar


I've been thinking... what if I doodle some more pictures during the week, colour the ones I have submitted during the week as well, then submit everything on the weekends?

reddgreene’s avatar

Yay! Here I am!

Well... With a new site comes a new/clean slate! Time to put things together and make some awesome art!!! Well... since it's valentines day I figured I should start with something closest to a real relationship that I ever had... Morenatsu ;w; I just need to learn screen capping and then you will s…