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Julie P. / 28 / Other (she/he) / Missouri, U.S

Wolf Demon masking among humans 🐺
Trades: Closed
ookamij64’s avatar

May 8th Updates

I know I said I wouldn't be using the journal feature often but I guess I had so much happen that it warranted another post! 🫢 Nonetheless, I have been mostly dealing with the same old issues of not posting as much to socials as I should unless you count older pieces for the sake of "hey, still usi…

ookamij64’s avatar

May 6 Updates

It just seems like I'm slowly losing interest in both FurAffinity and Weasyl (here)... Artfol has been my go-to most of the time but not a lot of folks use it because some left due to instability. Although they have announced a second version of the site that is currently being worked on. Most of i…

ookamij64’s avatar

Haven't used Journals as much...

Aside from it being self explanatory, I just haven't been active as much. Granted I've been trying to draw and done a terrible job because time management is a weak spot of mine. I had gotten a FurAffinity account and I haven't put much up on their either. I wasn't too thrilled about the recent upl…

ookamij64’s avatar

Updates, Artfight, and More!

Lately I've been doing more cleaning up and organizing things than uploading things... It's been stressful lately in real life but at the same time, trying to get back into doing art and not worrying about posting it unless it's something I feel okay with sharing. Character Depository is now my mai…

ookamij64’s avatar

Quick Entry: Updates on Linktree, Artfight Verified, etc.

Probably starting to wish maybe there is a status update option in the place of journals but it's more DeviantArt like to have this than the current state of dA... Not the subject of the entry. What is part of the subject though is that I can safely say I've retired the Linktree and moved over to L…

ookamij64’s avatar

Resuming Posts

While I'm a bit late in getting a journal update finished, I have resume posting art. I do plan on implementing breaks like that every now and again - with a friendly heads up. Mostly it's just mental health being a bit shaky and work draining me of positivity but I've been working on making sure i…

ookamij64’s avatar

Update - Small Art Post Hiatus

So long story short: taking a break from posting art for a while. I've been work crunched (aka: energy draining from working and worrying) and haven't been able to do art too much... There's not much of a long version of it, that's it. I've also been trying to find a spot for blogging that's not th…

ookamij64’s avatar

Uploads Note

Currently trying to not upload so much but apparently it'll be Pokemon fanart for the time being... I haven't been able to do art as much because life and stress (huzzah... /j). Regardless, just having material to upload is better than leaving this place dormant for the time being.

ookamij64’s avatar

Late Night Muttering + AI Concerns

One of the good things I love about the weekend arriving is the idea of being able to stay up later and actually get stuff done. Without disclosing too much about the job, I do a bit of cleaning up at a location that tends to get a bit hectic. Most of the time though, I'm walking all over the place…

ookamij64’s avatar

Quick Note

Because I've been using the site a bit more and I'm bound to make this mistake frequently: if you get notified about me sending you a friend request, please do not hesitate to decline. That was my mistake and that alone. I admit to being big butter fingers especially when I'm currently exploring th…

ookamij64’s avatar

Proper Introduction

Considering how long it's been since I've registered here and was able to get myself verified, time to properly get the introductions out of the way. I'm OokamiJ64/Julie, I was actually invited to try Weasyl out by a fellow artist from Pillowfort. While I'm familiar with DeviantArt and the state of…