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Avatar for Miranthia


Miranthia / 34 / Female / MO, USA

✨ 🏳️‍🌈🦄🌺🦡🌈 ✨
Commissions: Open
Trades: Sometimes
Requests: Closed
Miranthia’s avatar

Commissions Open

Hey all, I know I've been pretty MIA for a long time now but I'm still here! I've been drawing like crazy the past few months, I've just been lazy about uploading stuff anywhere. However I plan to rectify that soon! That being said, I'm afraid that I've come to ask for some help; I am a little bit…

Miranthia’s avatar

Time for an Update

Hey all, I know I haven't been on here very much. In a long time. Outside of posting my art that is lol BUT I thought I would just give the whole 5 of you that actually interact with me an update. Long story short, I had a mammogram and ultrasound last month, and with the ultrasound they found a sm…

Miranthia’s avatar

Behold the Cork & Free Art

Who needs a Cork? YOU need a Cork! My friend and fellow artist, Meg, launched her Kickstarter campaign at 12 PM EST last night to launch her first plushie ever: the Cork! What is a Cork, you may ask? It's a cute chonky corgi shark! HOW EFFING CUTE IS THAT?! You NEED this good boi in your life! If y…

Miranthia’s avatar

Level Up Fast Approaching

Soooo my birfday is coming up (June 2nd uGH 😭) and if any of you was wanting to get me anything, you should check out my ✨ wishlist ✨ 😉😘 I will love you 5eveeeeeeeer ♡♡♡ Because I am for sure NOT looking forward to 32 😭

Miranthia’s avatar

❅ Happy Holidays! ❅

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, from my family to yours!! I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful time tomorrow, with all the people that you love!! Remember to love and cherish them to the fullest extent of your capabilities, because life is both uncertain and precious; it could be over in a…

Miranthia’s avatar


Would anyone want to do an art trade with me? Mind you it wouldn't be anything too complicated, just a simple drawing with some basic flat colors and minor detailing. I was super productive last month, and while I haven't been this month I really wanna try to continue my art streak! Because art blo…

Miranthia’s avatar

Well hello there.

Sooo it's been a while since I've been on here, and a lot has happened in a year. Of course 2020 has been a shitstorm for everyone, that goes without saying. It started off pretty bad for us from the word 'go'. We lost Pops (my stepdad) to cancer on January 17th, and then it just progressively got…

Miranthia’s avatar

Need Some Help? Please?

It's a long shot, but I'm coming to you guys. We're a bit short on funds this month (hell we are every month but we manage) and I'm coming here for assistance. So I am offering some commissions to try and get a little bit of extra cash. I'm offering these sharks for $10…

Miranthia’s avatar

YCH Fall Days So I'm going to take a stab at this YCH thing. All species and genders welcome! I will TRY to do wings & horns, though I can't promise anything. Hat, scarf, mittens, and gloves are customizable as well. Character will be flat color…

Miranthia’s avatar

Active watcher call?

Anyone still there? Just curious to know if any of you still like my stuff. I've been gone for a long time, but I'm TRYING to get back into the art game! Try being the operative word here. Anyways, how are you all doing?

Miranthia’s avatar

Commissions OPEN

Took me long enough, huzzah! 2016 Commission Sheet If you're interested feel free to note me. I don't have a set number of slots open right now, but I'll put 5 here for now. SLOTS: 1. lily-girl414 (dA) - Sketching ☆ Not paid (will pay after first WIP) 2. Open 3. Open 4. Open 5. Open

Miranthia’s avatar

PWYW Commissions?

Hey it's me again. So here I am, asking for a little bit of help even though this is very hard for me to do. Uuuuuh long story short I've been super sick and have had to take off more work than I would like to this month......and I've had to go to the flippin doctor twice this year already. Not an…

Miranthia’s avatar

Quick $10 Emergency Commissions

Long story short; I had to pay an astronomical amount of $$ for my new glasses and now I'm broke. I need to get cat food and have the funds to pay for meds that will nip this head cold in the butt before it turns into a sinus infection. But I don't 8'D SO I'm going to offer some $10 commissions. Pr…

Miranthia’s avatar


I think it's time for a new icon.

Miranthia’s avatar


Does anyone want to do some Halloweeny collabs with me? I haven't done a collab in ages, and it just sounds like a fun idea. Of course I have some commissions that I need to finish up first, but after that I'll be all over it 8D But that's only if someone wants to. If not then it was just a neat id…

Miranthia’s avatar

I'm back!

Sorta anyway XD Anywho, keeping this super short. Sister's wedding was just.......gorgeous, and perfect. And it's still hard to believe. I do work this week, but I'm trying to get tonight off because my grampa is having surgery and I want to go sit with them too. Plus it's not worth driving across…

Miranthia’s avatar

Doggie Update!

Just a quick update, going to keep this short. Thanks to all of you that helped me the other day, I was able to get a decent sized bag of food for my dog the other day, along with some things that I needed from the grocery store :) I am so very grateful to you all, and am still at a loss for words…

Miranthia’s avatar

I...need some help.

For real, this is very hard for me to do because I don't like asking for help, at all. Apart from a few random pointless journals or whatever, I haven't talked about myself much at all in much depth or detail. I'm not going to start doing that now, hopefully this will be short, quick, and to the po…

Miranthia’s avatar

Done spamming!

It only took me a couple of months, but I'm finally done uploading all of my 2012-2013 art. Eventually, I'm going to put them all in folders and organize my gallery a little better. But for now, it's gonna stay the way it is. Yeah. That's it XD

Miranthia’s avatar

In-coming Spamfest!

Ok, I suppose I should start adding art to this site, since it is an art site after all X3 It's only going to be my stuff from this year, oldest to newest. If I uploaded everything it would take entirely too long. So. Yeah. That's it.

Miranthia’s avatar

Hi there :D

Thanks to Yoki & LunarDrolf, I now have a Weasyl :) So far this site seems really neat, but I'm still trying to figure it all out. So hi there all! :3