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❅ Happy Holidays! ❅ by Miranthia

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, from my family to yours!!

I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful time tomorrow, with all the people that you love!! Remember to love and cherish them to the fullest extent of your capabilities, because life is both uncertain and precious; it could be over in a blink of an eye. This is our first Christmas since Pops passed, and it's......going to be different. Thanksgiving was weird enough. It doesn't feel like it's been almost a year.

ANYWAYS, yes, stay safe and have fun!!

Arting will go back to it's usual schedule starting next week, so hopefully I'll have some new stuff out soon, and will be able to start on even more things!! With all the baking and wrapping I've just been too tired to even try, and I want my sole focus to be on art while I'm doing it.

Being an adult sucks!!! Though it has been kinda fun to bake cookies.....even though mine aren't very pretty. They're still tasty though!

Ok I'm going now, promise XD
Love ya'll!

❅ Happy Holidays! ❅


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