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Kilroy’s avatar

Why a firelizard, Kilroy?

I've had a few people ask me why I decided to be a firelizard. The answer to that is quite simple. I freaking adore Pern dragons and firelizards. I own just about every book in the Pern series! Fascinated with everything to do with them! Another question I sometimes get asked is how I managed to es…

Kilroy’s avatar


Welcome! Welcome to new followers! Dunno if it's random or if you followed me from my mostly abandoned Furaffinity account (due to a few things that came to light recently about the site I just don't feel comfortable keeping anything there anymore. Images, journals, notes... All deleted,) but welco…

Kilroy’s avatar

Mario Kart 8!

So Mario Kart 8 came out 9 days ago! And I have nobody to play with! sob sob Anyway, though I can't play often, I would like to at least get more friends to play with, share MKTV videos and ghost data with, and such! So if anyone has the game, my Nintendo Network ID is Kilroyfirelizard :D I'll add…