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JM / 49 / Male / London

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I will be at Confuzzled again this year. If you know me, or if we haven't met, come and say hello. I'm friendly and I have an exciting new beard. On Sunday at 4:30pm in the Surrey room, I'm running an [adjective][species] panel and Q&A. It's titled Exploring the Fandom Through Data: Furry Demograph…

JM’s avatar

On controversial [a][s] topics

Sometimes I'll write an article on [a][s] that deals issues like with sexuality or gender. Here's my process (which is an edited version of my response/apology to a commenter - ): Firstly, I do bunch of backg…

JM’s avatar

Gamergate nonsense over on [a][s]

I've written a few articles for [a][s] on the topic of sexism in furry. My most recent one was really just a collection of links to writing on [a][s] on the topic, using Gamergate as an excuse to bring up the topic. That was six months ago. Now I'm aware that there is a reasonable crossover between…

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Paper Bag on [adjective][species]

Last week on [a][s] we featured a very professional and engaging 15-minute film about furry. The filmmaker is a French fur who goes by Panda Man over on FA ( I think the film is terrific, as does Makyo, as does pretty much everyone I shared it with.…

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Deletion of [a][s] Articles

A curious bit of moderation by the Weasyl admins today: they deleted two articles over at the [adjective][species] Weasyl page (adjspecies). The reason given was contravention of Community Guidelines, specifically the "General Conduct" section III. A. 1. "Slandering any users, whether verbally, thr…

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Paleofurs Website

A new furry bookmark for you all: This has been set up following a Rabbit article on [adjective][species]. Rabbit is in his 50s and lived a big chunk of his life in a world that didn't have a meaningful furry community. He's hunting for other people who were furry-befor…