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Avatar for Hiccupby


Hiccupby / female / Wyoming

Commissions: Open
Trades: Closed
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Hiccupby’s avatar

Oh look, a meme!

Yoinked this meme goin' around What's your real name? Ehhh you can just call me Hiccup or something How tall are you? 5'5" What's your natural hair color? Brown! What's your eye color? Hazel What's your orientation? Hetero Are you single, taken or undecided? Single and totally not wantin' to mingle…

Hiccupby’s avatar

Interesting development

I just got a massive bag of faux fur (some of it's a little old and nappy but I think a wash and good brushing should fix that right up). I really wanna make a head out of some of this stuff and maybe a few tails and ears- I'm going to make Thunderpunch but it won't be for a while due to time and f…

Hiccupby’s avatar


The beauty of the weed is undermined often by the average landowner. . It is called vile, a pest, a parasite sucking life from the beautiful flowers that are actually wanted by the grower. But unwanted the weed survives; it doesn't need good soil, or perfect precipitation, or special vitamins to th…

Hiccupby’s avatar

a very good movie. . .

So we just watched a movie starring Joseph Gordon Levitt called 50/50 . .It's a movie about cancer and has you on tenterhooks yet at the same time it is so loveable and just. . .compellingly human. It's crazy good and not as sad as the subject matter should denote it to be. I recommend watching it…