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Avatar for FloorNinja


FloorNinja / 30 / Male / Keswick

"I Love That Song"
Commissions: Open
Trades: Sometimes
Requests: Closed
FloorNinja’s avatar

Pokenize Your Sona - Iron Artist Details and Submission Form

Copied from my FA account. It seems like I'm (attempting in) bringing back the old fad, because soon I will be opening up slots for a themed Iron Artist in which I take your sona and render it as a Pokemon. Before I start with the details I would like to ask for people to not ask for a slot in this…

FloorNinja’s avatar


I completely forgot about this account, even though it's been on here for 8 months. This will act as my secondary art account, the primary being on FA: Only the art that I think is worth anything, and the commissions that I make will end up here. Follow t…