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Avatar for fallimar


fallimar / Ladytype / WA, Australia

Commissions: Open
Trades: Closed
Requests: Closed
fallimar’s avatar

One quick partial/head commission slot open!

Hi all, So I've finished my costume studies for the year and I've got some spare time, so I thought I might put my new costuming skills to use and offer a one-time commission slot over the holidays. Now, since I go back in februart, this also has to be a quick-completion commission, so it must be d…

fallimar’s avatar

dragon bust commission slots

I always love doing sketches of dragon faces, particularly detailed ones with scale patterning. I'd like to offer some on a commission basis, 3 slots to start with. Examples: Armoured dragon Falli face Scaly dragon Sketchpad dragon So if you want me to draw your dragon character or just draw you a…

fallimar’s avatar

Me meme meem

Apparently it's obligatory if you're one of the cool kids: What's your real name? ~ Sophia Names you go by? Fallimar, Falli, Soph, mum mum (though that's only my squishy), Lhakhtsara How old are you? ~ 28 How old do you feel/act? ~ However I feel? Uh, I act like a mature person who is a giant child…

fallimar’s avatar

Commissions open :)

Hey all, I've only recently come back to doing artwork and as a single mum I'm both short on time and more importantly, cash. I opened for a few small commissions lately to see if I can make it work, and happily not only was I able to paint fast and deliver in under a day, I really enjoyed it! So,…

fallimar’s avatar

Colour theory, how does it work?

I have trouble with colour. The logical part of my brain says "this thing is this colour, so draw it that colour." The creative part of my brain says "Colour theory! Let's try using purple and orange!". My brain then shuts down and can't decide between the two - boring but accurate to character or…