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Avatar for Co-lord444


Co-lord444 / Discrete / Unkown

Yikkpie Kai Yay
Commissions: Closed
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Co-lord444’s avatar

Looking Back

When I first went away from posting art, that was in 2020. Nearly a year later I came today on Dec 20th, 2021, I'm still nowhere there. Still I don't think this goal of ever improving is impossible. I have to try real life stuff now for a long time. And who knows? It could take me a 1000 tries, 10,…

Co-lord444’s avatar

Plans for the future

Okay now that it's come to this, I have to make this. Ever since coming back I've had quiet a struggle. It's clearly obvious this new thing I'm doing isn't working at all. Which means that I need to step back, rest, lick my wounds, and study hard because I need serious work on anatomy, lighting, an…