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Avatar for CadaverousDingo


Todd Njord Bremer / Transgender FTM / Wichita, KS

Dingo By Trait Not Trade
Commissions: Sometimes
Trades: Sometimes
Requests: Closed
CadaverousDingo’s avatar

TMI But Not Really

Someone special got me something special and awesome in the mail and I freakin' love it~ In other news, I don't have a lot to say but I started work on the next Realms Between page finally. It's about time... It's been how long now? At least a month maybe. Yikes. I need to stop lazing about and act…

CadaverousDingo’s avatar

Good Thing

So I updated the display driver this morning... Took a nap because it took forever and I was so frustrated at nothing working... and then after that I got back on with a fresh mind and guess what? My laptop is working. It's even allowing me to draw! I managed to do some sketches and turned it into…

CadaverousDingo’s avatar

Leaving until I can get this fixed

I literally cannot draw right now. I have had this laptop for less than a year and now my computer has something wrong with it. I can't draw a single line without a ton of patience and frustration. My computer lags and freezes for EVERYTHING. I try to draw one small line and it will freeze, then la…

CadaverousDingo’s avatar

Hello Weasyl - STOLEN -

Since Goatlactic did it, I thought I would too. Facts about me... I am transgender FTM, please do not call me female, it upsets me greatly I suffer from mental issues... Anxiety, Depression, Psychosis, PTSD just to name some... I'm also incredibly introverted (I think that's the term) where hanging…

CadaverousDingo’s avatar

Boy it's been a while

Sorry it's been so long since I've checked in on Weasyl. Oh yikes! Haven't been here since July of last year, oops!! Anyways, I'm back now, I'll try to keep things updated... Some updates: I am now 23 I've started hormone therapy and it's going swimmingly for me I still draw and have even began wor…

CadaverousDingo’s avatar

First Journal On Weasyl

Well, I'm attempting to return, though not at the best time considering I hurt my back recently so I do a lot of laying down over and over again... However, since this is my first journal on Weasyl, I thought I'd say hello and tell you a bit about myself... Name - Todd Njord Bremer My paypal says a…