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Hello Weasyl - STOLEN - by CadaverousDingo

Since Goatlactic did it, I thought I would too.

Facts about me...

  • I am transgender FTM, please do not call me female, it upsets me greatly
  • I suffer from mental issues... Anxiety, Depression, Psychosis, PTSD just to name some...
  • I'm also incredibly introverted (I think that's the term) where hanging out with people I know and like wears me out really quickly so don't take offense if I disappear, I'm just terrible with people
  • I'm tired all the time, I've learned to keep moving or sleep for 3 days straight and still be tired
  • I usually need things spelled out for me. Be blunt. Even if I take offense I'll learn to live with it because otherwise I won't understand you...
  • I can't usually tell a joke from seriousness so please do not joke about suicide around me at all... I've lost people to suicide and you never learn to move on, you just learn to live with it.
  • I prefer honesty. Even if it hurts. I'd rather you tell me straight up than lie to me.
  • I'm scared of people most the time but it's nothing personal, I've just had a lot of bad people in my life

Away from the down topics, though...

  • I love dogs. Like seriously. I love all animals but dogs have always been there for me when people weren't so I trust them and even if I don't usually cry when a person dies in a movie I will definitely cry if something happens to the dog. I spent two hours crying over I Am Legend... twice.
  • I like to make friends and help people. I may be a total dweeb who can't work with people too well but I love to help regardless.
  • I've been drawing for as long as I can remember, it's how I feel and understand things sometimes. I love drawing.
  • I love the horror genre, in as many forms of it that I can get. I love the gore but I also love the super smart guys cuz it's just all super cool to me and I love it
  • I also love cartoons, I don't care that they're kids movies, I can enjoy them
  • Comics. Bro. Srsly. I love comics and I love drawing them.
  • Body types, I love drawing all sorts of body types. I love how there's so many shapes and sizes and I love to try that in my art.

That's all for now, though... Also, expect this face a lot when talking to me "o3o" because I usually type that for some reason... Usually to let you know I'm trying to be friendly.

Dingo Out

Hello Weasyl - STOLEN -


Journal Information



  • Link

    Pretty cool infos!

    Gotta love cartoons! Got most of my character ideas from em.

    • Link

      Thank you~

      Agreed! Plus all the styles from them are amazing ;w;

  • Link

    Hell, I see openly enjoying children's movies as a sign of maturity. In at least that you're mature enough to admit to yourself what you enjoy and not letting others sway your opinions based on social norms. I'm rather fond all the stuff Pixar puts out, though that might not be the best example since that's sort of for an all age audience.

    • Link

      Pixar is pretty good... Thank you~ The thing I enjoy the most is the art, to be honest... All the styles and the way characters are portrayed is fascinating to me. Though I am a sucker for a good kid's story, haha

  • Link

    Goodness we share many things in common :o I'm ok at telling jokes though... usually but even sometimes if I can tell a person isn't seriously I still think they were being not cool by making that joke in the first place. I don't like when people say things like "lol if X happens I'm going to [insert self harm here that is potentially fatal]" because that's not even dark humor that's just being an over dramatic kumquat. At least if you're going to be dramatic choose a thing that couldn't realistically happen like "lol if X happens I'm going to launch myself into the sun" because I don't think anyone has the means to actually do that yet.

    • Link

      I'm terrible at jokes due to some things that happened growing up but I honestly hate when people say they'll commit suicide over something stupid... After my mom kicked me out, a girl at school was saying she was gonna commit suicide and it hit me really hard, i went to the nurse and apparently it was a joke that she said often and they said i needed therapy... which, regardless, yes i needed therapy, but that's not something to joke about.

      my uncle committed suicide over 10 years ago and i still haven't forgiven myself for some things that i really couldn't have foreseen, i was a kid... so i hate when kids try to throw it around like it's nothing... hell, i wanted to for a while and the main thing that would stop me was remembering how much it had hurt everyone around me when my uncle died or when someone else i cared about did.

      launch yourself into the sun, lol, that's a much better alternative to say xD

      • Link

        :c Ah I see! Sorry for the slightly late reply to this I've been actually trying to focus on art the last few days instead of checking art sites.

        Yes its amazing the way people could get around being jerks to others if they used this wonderful thing call "their imagination". Its not hard to avoid jokes like that, its just a lack of giving a crap for most.

        • Link

          No worries about the delay in reply, things happen and you have a life c:

          Ye xp I don't get most people