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Avrin (or Victor) / w/e

AwesomeAvrin’s avatar


So, I got some great information on Wordpress from the wonderful fades and he showed me just how versatile it is. However, I'm getting trouble getting from "looks like an ordinary blog" to "looks like a functioning, good professional website" Now, I'm using a host affiliated with WP, so I don't hav…

AwesomeAvrin’s avatar

Boy oh boy

You do something really really stupid that you can't take back and now you're set back a lot more than you expected and have to restart at your $400 goal. Unless some sort of miracle happens, i don't see me getting this suit done by my deadline. I just can't get the money. I had about half of it, t…

AwesomeAvrin’s avatar

So so so done

First off, if somebody knows if manga studio has some sort of hidden auto save thing I could maybe dig this picture out, you would be a life saver (though I'm not expecting it) Working on a picture to use as the example for the IA slots I want to open for this month. 4.5~ hours of work and it's fin…

AwesomeAvrin’s avatar

Current Personal Goal

I would like to have my Elkhound partial finished by August 31st. I'm going to set this one up a lot better than my first suit so I can get things done on time. Set small goals and power through them no matter what. Of course, this all hinges on whether or not I can get the materials within the nex…

AwesomeAvrin’s avatar

Some good stuff in the works over at SlothCat Studio

Seriously contemplating doing some art packs that are PAY WHAT YOU WANT and contain the stuff you want to see! You'll get to vote on what's in them, and they will be featuring all my lovely characters (or whichever ones you like best)~ Also still contemplating the fursuit endeavor. I have a mostly…

AwesomeAvrin’s avatar

What do you want to see more of?

I've been in a bit of a creative rut and was wondering if there was something different I should try. So, is there a style that you guys like? Or maybe some sort of subject that you like and want to see more of? Do you want more environments (backgrounds/interactions/etc.) More YCHs? Those seem to…

AwesomeAvrin’s avatar

My snake...=n=

She finally shed...and I would LOVE to keep this shed skin as it is flawless....but she took a huge crap into it... What a butthole.

AwesomeAvrin’s avatar

All done, so sorry

Sorry i didn't warn anybody about the onslaught of character submissions ouo FINALLY HAVE THEM ALL UPLOADED THOUGH And I have a couple more that I'm not gonna post that I'm gonna rehome.

AwesomeAvrin’s avatar


WAS A FUCKING BLAST. Seriously. I met so many great people and walked around so much and bought so much crap that I don't need but love. ♥ MIIIIIIGHT go into more detail later, but. I'm tired. Goodnight.

AwesomeAvrin’s avatar

Get to know the Avrin!

Stolen from Xubuntu!! What's your real name? Kelly ;n; please don't call me that How tall are you? 5'6" What's your natural hair color? Dumb ash brown What's your eye color? Blue green What's your orientation? I like people. ovo Are you single, taken or undecided? Engaged :3 What do you do in your…