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Current Endeavors by Veyll

Wanted to put up a light update here to explain some things (mostly how dreadfully slow/inactive I've been lately). Due in large part to an overly complicated story that I won't get in to I have been organizing and cleaning up my property (mostly the yard) to make room for other things that need to be where junk is. This has been biting away a lot of my time as well as cleaning out section of the inside of my building to make room for a new tenant ( a good friend actually!) with the hope of alleviating some of the stress I have supporting the bills when one of my room mates often pays their portion later than I would like due to their ongoing financial situation that I won't get in to here either.

That being said, I'm sloe everywhere I appear online at the moment. This includes my Patreon, which makes me horribly sick just thinking about how I can't keep up with that like I have been for right now. However, things should get more normal for me by the end of November at the latest.


Yard work and house cleaning taking up too much of my time. Work is slow because of this. Things will go back to normal at the end of November. Sorry for the inconvenience this may cause some people!

Commission Queue:
1) Azurrtix
2) Maou
3) mrspycrabs
4) Jiyu
5) Shmucky
6) Talash
7) Serril

Current Endeavors


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    Just take care of business and be back when you can <3

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      Thanks, Fey <3