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What do you commission? (PLEASE ANSWER!) by Caticus

What are you more likely to commission from ANY artist?

Something that's of low price like a sketch...

Something that's of more detail like a fully rendered illustration?

I need as many answers as possible!!!

Thank you!

What do you commission? (PLEASE ANSWER!)


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    I like full- or at least half-bodies with a minimum of flat colors, though sketches are cool too (especially if the lines are tinted or the background is something other than white) and icons with more detailed BGs are also nice!

    Standalone characters are usually my thing. I've only got one couples commission right now.

    As much as I'd love to throw ridiculous amounts of money at people, my budget for commissions is usually around $10-30 per piece.

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    I like full body flat color commissions the best.
    depending on the artist, I'll spend anywhere between 45-65 for a single character, flat color.

    occasionally I'll get cheap colored sketches if they are offered (these are fun to get from artists that I rarely see open or if I've never commissioned them before).

    I really wish I had the patience to save up and splurge on shading and backgrounds instead of blowing my art budget on smaller pieces. I tend to impulse buy when art is in that 45-65 range.

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    honestly, I'm a low spender on a budget, so I'm a fan of buying icons and sketches, or if there's some sort of deal/special going on ^^;;;

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    Depends on my budget, but I usually go for the biggest item available. So, typically, unless there is some reason I don't like an artist's fully rendered works, I go for them, if that option is available/affordable to me at that time. Otherwise, I will go for the highest quality item that I enjoy from the artist.

    For example (without direct names) there is one artist I have commissioned that I really don't like their shading style, so I would usually just commission flats or linework/sketches from them. And with some others, their "sketch" quality is nearly the same as another artist at full render, so I may just get a sketch from that artist if it means I can afford a few more pieces from others.

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    I usually honestly only get badges, because I rarely commission outside of conventions. But when I do, it's usually something low- or mid-range like sketches or flat colors. I can't usually afford to drop more money on art than that. There are exceptions of course, but generally speaking.

    That being said, if you WANT to do large full-scale paintings, then do them! They will attract the kind of clientele who do regularly buy that type of art, and honestly, even if I can never afford it, I will always enjoy looking at them :D

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    I commission a bit here and there when I can afford to spare a little extra, as I love helping support my fellow artists.

    Generally my budge range is $50-80 max, though I try to stay in the $30-40 range when I can. I have dropped $100+ on artists I really love and never see open for work.

    I'm not really into icons, rough sketch or badges anymore. I prefer art that feels 'finished' even if it's a sketch. If I can get the originals mailed all the better as well.

    I lean toward single characters with no background as what I usually grab.

    (Cool reading these responses too, it's good for my own research as well!)

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    )( sketches. i print them out and put them on my wall as motivation for my own character work!
    )( i also usually get prints in person at cons and don't like buying unless its good quality print paper and an exceptionally inspiring artwork i want in my home.
    )( )( i commission digital work and assets like icons, backgrounds, headers, fold-overs for websites or whatever.

    right now since i don't have a full house or place to put physical art, I don't usually buy sculptures or figures or canvas or fursuits or too much more clothing items. too many t-shirts. BUT i do like getting patches to add on top of my clothing, art or commission.

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      )( )( )( If I get a badge its because it was free or i really like the artists technique specifically and my character is rendered in an individual, unique style.