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General Hiatus. by Zaezar

TL;DR: Art collage is hard. No livestreams. Check my Twitter and Instagram if you still want occasional art. I will still be here, just quiet. I may get it all back together early next year.

Classes are kicking my ass right now. And I have no good reason for it other than I feel like I don't have enough time in the day. So I am cutting back on a few things so I know I will get the education that I want. This means a lot of nothing from me for a while...

First things first, I am stopping the livestreams. I have had a weekly show for quite some time now, but its just been an excuse to not do anything on Fridays and I cannot allow that. Plus, I had thought of ways to improve it that would take even more time to set up and organize... So instead I am just not going to do anything and come back later with a (hopefully) improved show. I WILL STILL HAVE THE STREAM THIS WEEK. All these changed are going to start on the 1st of November. Sadly, this also means that I will have very few if no gaming streams as well (assuming we could get them to work at all in the first place. Testing is hard!)

Secondly, I am going to get more inactive on any art sites. I will check on occasion for uploaded artworks and journals. But don't expect a whole lot of uploads from me starting the Hiatus. If you are interested in what I will be doing, you can follow my Instagram and Twitter. I still doodle a lot, and those are the places where they end up most of the time. . If you ever need to contact me, I am still available on here, just not as much. You would have a better time PMing me on Twitter if its super important. That and Skype, though that's only for people that I talk to a lot. So don't go asking for it :P

So how long will this last? I will try to keep distractions on the down-low for a bit. But the goal is to check if I can manage all this again when my next semester rolls around on the 4th of January. But there is a chance that the next group of classes may be just as hard. So I really don't know for certain when everything will return. If I have any outstanding trades or art I owe, then I will absolutely own up to them and get them done, don't worry about those!

I have a few more things that I want to upload before this month is over... Fun fact, did you know that October is consistently a terrible month for me? And my birthday is this month! And I try everything in my power to hide what day it is (I change it on different sites) because its always been a really bad day! yaaaay...

General Hiatus.


Journal Information



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    Sounds rough, I was in college before. Lasted only 7 days; was out the door rather quickly out of frustration x) I don't know how bad it is in art college, but universities are... tough.

    And hey, just so you know, Wahaneta will likely be messaging you about the winner of the raffle. It was actually me, I didn't want to intrude on ya before. I wanted them to tell first.

    Knowing your position you can postpone the prize, and if you need to (or want) you can just not do it at all. I won't throw a fit, I understand. I understand how much of a b*** college is. Again, 7 days ;D Hopefully you can get through well and that it won't be any more stressful.

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      I'm over two states away from home to attend collage, so walking out in 7 days wasn't really an option here haha.

      You won that prize? That explains so much! I was going to double check that tonight haha. I actually said that in the journal literally for you then! Send me a ref and an idea thing. You got a full digital piece! I owe it to ya!

      (As an fyi, she never messaged me about my previous prize winner either, I don't know if she is supposed to or not)

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        Even though you cannot easily drop out, do try to get through college, man. Trust me, life sucks terribly without it. I'm probably going to go back myself.

        Are you sure you want me to send you a ref and so? If you're really busy it can wait, really (: So tell me if you're totally sure xP

        I think she mentioned that she was to message all of the artists once all the prizes were claimed. I was going to have her message you first, actually. I have anxiety issues ^ ^;; But then I saw that you were under pressure and I didn't want you to worry over this, too.

        Sorry if I'm pestering ya! I just want you to be sure (:

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          It's fiiine. Send me the info. This Hiatus doesn't even start until the 1st anyways ;)

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    REAL LIFE IS IMPORTANT. And it's good for you to focus on that. I'll still be around when you come back and I'm sure others will too. Wait until you have the other REAL LIFE career...the full-time job. It's hard to have hobbies then...........and I've overlooked some things just to talk to people on these sites.................................. wry laugh

    I hope you can focus well on school and not get stressed out! And I hope you have/had a good birthday--whenever that day is. :D

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      I'm sure the important people will be willing to wait for me. And since I am going to spend this off time becoming a better artist, I will be back WITH A VENGENCE!

      I know the feel about hobbies... I have boxes of warhammer models to assemble, and hundreds more still to paint... And that's all going without a game D:

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        Yep! We'll be here and looking forward to the evolved art of yours! :D

        I have four Gundam model kits as well...including a Perfect Grade (so many pieces!)--I'd love to get ONE put together by the end of the year! XD