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so here's an idea by Briarwood

how bout you rate y'alls fetish art as 'mature' or a bare minimum of 'moderate' even if there's nothing explicitly sexual goin' on

i mean, random pictures of like, dudes getting force-fed and tiny furries disappearing down lovingly-rendered throats and clothed boobs the size of beanbag chairs are still pretty difficult to explain to your family/boss/whoever

just an observation. mostly thinking about furaffinity's panic 'SFW' button and how utterly useless it is. I got nothing against harmless kinks, just. if it's meant to be a turn-on it should probably be rated as such, yeah?

so here's an idea


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    This is what makes me frustrated sometimes because TECHNICALLY there are several things now and then that show up that don't go against the rating rules can pretty well see the intent and what it's really for but nothing can be done about it. I actually had to turn my rating down because nobody submits tasteful nudes of anything it's just..everything else :c With a sparse couple of those now and then.

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    The blacklist filters are pretty handy!
    I do agree with your point though, but at least Weasyl has a way to filter stuff.

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      aye, I've never had to look at My Little Pony porn since setting up my account and it's SO NICE compared to fa
      blacklisting only works if you're a member tho, it doesn't do a thing to protect guests who are just browsing.

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    I couldn't agree more.

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    The blacklist tags are your friend. It can weed out the worst of it. I totally agree with you tho.
    I'm just not sure how Weasyl could ever make the rules to filter these out of the general rating without creating super massive drama from all sides.

    On a side note
    The messy diaper people already threw a tantrum over the "Any depictions of bodily waste must be rated as Explicit."
    And I think some vore people got pissy over having their art uprated under the guise of "Implying death" hehe...

    I'm happy that writing rulesets for art sites will never be my headache, cuz it's surely a massive one

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    I was made to rate tame vore stuff as moderate because of the vore (which was tagged properly and easy to filter out), but only because of how realistic and detailed it was. Beginning artists and cartoon-styled artists still get a free pass :/
    They need to make the rules for this uniform, one way or the other.

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    You make a very good point.

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