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Back in Blighty, and art is in the air... by Dark Violet

Hey gang!

First of all, I'm back from Turkey. For those that gave them, thanks for your best wishes!

It was a fantastic time; running up and down a few hills, wandering through ancient ruins, getting a proper Turkish bath (plus getting Plaisir ideas in the process), and jumping off a mountain to paraglide down to the bottom. Utterly brilliant. I'd like to extend a huge thanks to and for making the holiday what it was. Couldn't have been half that good without you guys :3

I'd also like to give thanks to, who suggested we go and try out an Iskender kebab. It was delicious. Cooked just right, great meat with some sour cream/natural yoghurt on one side, pieces of bread.... gaaah. Best kebab I've ever tasted <3 Thanks a bunch for the suggestion!

So, now I'm back in this green and pleasant land, what now?

Well, I have a bunch of art backed up. A number of sketches I want to flesh out, the rest of the YCH to do, and three stories that require my attention - as well as a bunch of other stuff. Yup, I'm swamped alright! Well, keeps me occupied. Now I need to go find some shows to watch while I do it all :3

Glad to be back under these overcast skies. Missed you lot!

Catch ya later~!

Back in Blighty, and art is in the air...

Dark Violet

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  • Link

    Welcome back! Glad you had a great time!

    • Link

      Thank you, glad to be back ^^