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thumbnails with explicit content: thoughts? by LycheeMonster

personally it bothers me when the thumbnail contains a zoomed in shot of stuff like genitalia or a zoomed out shot of blatant sexual content. it sexualizes the parts of your body that for the most part just sit there day to day like nothing special (#opinion), and it also just pops up mini-porn slides when i'm browsing. when i don't want to see that, i just want to have the option of not clicking on it. it feels like i'm being forced to see it and the whole choice of clicking on it to view it is null. the little red bar indicator should do just as much, right?

conversely when the thumbnail is like a 'summary' of the image, where i can see the direct sexual content, i can for sure click the nuke button without worry that i missed something. so in that way i guess it's convenient?


thumbnails with explicit content: thoughts?


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    Is why on FA I had that banner that let folks know what they're about to click on is something adult, to try and spare folks that feel. So if they want to look, they can, if not, they dun hafta! :D

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    I use my school internet for art and stuff its honestly really annoying because if i wanted to see that stuff id go find some,but even then the little red bar is a good enough indicator that its sexual content.

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    I really don't see the point of having an explicit thumbnail because for me, a thumbnail's purpose is just to show a bit of what's to come, not just spill it right then and there. Not only does it save people from looking at things they don't want to see, but it also makes surfing easier when at work/school. (Before FA had its SFW switch, I had to dodge porn-y pics and ads to get to my control panel to turn it off... Not fun.)

    We don't need a huge wang in our face to tell us that your art is explicit, the little red border does the exact same thing.

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      my thoughts exactly. especially when i want to pick and choose what i see :<

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        Right, right. That's why I have my ratings set to General- I'm not too keen on furry porn- though I'd like to see more mature pics when it comes to gore, cursing, and that kind of subject matter. They were talking on the forums about having checkboxes when you rate something as Mature or Adult, what kind of maturity its for, and then you could block out the types you don't want to see. I personally hope that idea goes through! ^_^

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          YES with just like automatic big thumbnails that say 'explicit'