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The Dog Got Adopted! by Malachyte

Oh my goodness wow, we finally did it. The dog we've been fostering finally has a forever home. I brought her to an adoption event yesterday, and this most perfect couple came in and just fell in love with her. They are such a good fit, with other dogs for her to be with and a nice 2 acre yard, and they've had a lot of experience with dogs so her anxiety issues should hopefully be understood and worked with. I was so worried no one would want to put up with her needs in that area.

So yeah! She's with them now, and I haven't gotten any texts or emails saying "Oh my gosh we don't like this dog after all", so that's good XD We're going to go up and visit her in about a week to see how she's doing and make sure things are looking good. I am super pumped for this though, I never dreamed of such a nice place for her.

Currently, I'm focusing on getting the last of these bookmarks made and ready for printing for FA:United. I will have a table there, and will be taking on-site commissions and badges. I'll post more details about that this coming week! I'm also still balancing commissions in my workload; it's sort of slow-going currently, because of all the convention prep and some things that came up IRL over the past... month now. Once I return from the convention, I will have a lot more time to dedicate to commissions and comic projects once more, and I will also be updating my Patreon again, thank goodness.

Thank you all so much for being patient for things. I'm optimistic that my life should be settling down a bit after this. I'm gonna go get some coffee and try to wake up (hopefully this journal isn't super rambly, I am very tired =w= zZ)

The Dog Got Adopted!


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    Feels good to find a forever home for a foster. My current now adopted foster rabbit, had too many come homes before I ended up fostering her, then keeping her when I moved since she also would really need a home with seasoned owners.

    Hope the visit works well and no "return to senders" yet. Sounds like a lovely set up.

    • Link

      I'm keeping my fingers crossed! So far we haven't had any emails or texts saying "Wow this dog is not working out", which I was super nervous about at first. It could still happen, but so far, so good.

      I'm glad it sounds like you found a place for your foster rabbit c: