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Oh would you look at that... by Rob Swanson

Please read this for context if you haven't already.

A furaffinity admin got the boot for speaking out, as a member, against the pornographic ad fiasco, among other things. Most of the "other things" are issues that have been well established on FA for a while. The way people in administration are slow to get things done, the lack of quality control, and other such issues. Once this person was booted from administration she posted a journal saying, in effect, "I was a secret admin, but not anymore. Upper management and I had some disagreements about how things should be done." The reddit link is a copy-paste of this journal. Apparently FA administration decided it was worth a perma-ban.

So, this brings me to why I'm writing this journal . It's rather surprising how little has actually changed over it furaffinity. A quick Google search for ex-admins shows that these issues have existed for years.

If I might go on a tangent for a moment. That whole issue with the ads being pornographic should never have happened in the first place. A 30 second examination of the materials submitted would have been sufficient to identify the problems that were going to happen. Furthermore some basic beta testing would have let them know about the issues with the safe for work filter not eliminating these ads as they should. Had even the most basic levels of due diligence been taken that whole fiasco would never have happened. It astounds me to this day how badly things must be at furaffinity in order for something as bad as this to slip through the cracks with no one noticing.

Returning to the topic, I struggle to understand what part of this journal warranted a permanent ban. It's not as though the ex administrator said anything that wasn't true or public knowledge. The journal even boils down to a statement that she had differences with upper management. But then again I can't say I'm surprised at this, which is sad in its own way. When did things go to such shit over at FA that this kind of nonsense ceases to surprise people? I mean really, it's just so bad that I can't even begin to cover the number of issues that website has.

And how can these things keep coming up as issues? Permabans for posting what amounts to a polite disagreement with administration? Really FA? Oh and people got banned for discussing this topic too. I wish that I could say this was the first instance of such a thing happening over there but it's not. An ex furaffinity forum moderator even posted their experiences on that reddit link. The guy posted a rather polite "I'm resigning" thread and that got deleted right away. Go back through history and this is a pattern. Maybe back in 2000 this would have worked, back before people knew what social media was. Nowadays people are going to find out in a hurry when things go badly.

In any case this whole situation reinforces my position that FA is not worthy of the attention the furry community gives it.

Later I'll probably have another journal up covering this in more detail.

Oh would you look at that...

Rob Swanson

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    I'm so happy more and more people are hearing about this and talking about it, thank you for caring so much about our fandom
    As for me, really happy over here at Weasyl, hoping (And it looks mildly successful) to get more and more people to get off FA and remove those scumbags from power

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    It has become a pretty stupid place...and so many people feel stuck there for business or social reasons. :(