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Spamming Journals with contest entries by Aldin

Latest one is to post "Free Fursuit Head..." something or other and link back to the person's webpage hosting the contest. They probably require you to follow them too.

Really? You think it's worth it to spam everyone you know (and on Weasyl, anyone who browses through the journals) with a journal entry about it?

This is one of the few things I like about FA over Weasyl--it wasn't allowed. I'm surprised this is allowed here. I like to browse through the journals and comment on things I like/agree with, or offer encouragement, and so on. But after a few pages of mostly "Free Fursuit head", I'm giving up for the evening.

Spamming Journals with contest entries


Journal Information




  • Link

    I agree, it's annoying how it has been blocking out actual journal entries. The only reason it's against the rules on FA is because it became a big enough of a problem with all of the spamming, so I wouldn't be surprised if Weasyl added a rule against such journals as well. I still see people who break the rule on FA without consequence though, but maybe because Weasyl is smaller it would be easier to enforce. It's pretty hard to not notice the current spam going on anyway.

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      If Weasyl passes the same rule, it would be enforced. Those who operate this place seem to be on top of things. It's one of the things I really like about this site.

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        I agree. Maybe someone should ask them about making it a rule on the forums or something, since they do actually listen to their users.

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          Our rules require such journals to be tagged with "raffle" (Community Guidelines II.H.4) so that they can be easily filtered out by those who don't wish to see them using tag blacklisting.

          I can appreciate the annoyance though - I've just blacklisted that tag myself and community tagged a handful of non-compliant entries.

          • Link

            Oh, I didn't know that! That seems like it could help, but it would also block the actual raffle journals would be nicer if there was a way to only block the spammy journals advertising for the raffle, but I don't even know how you could go about doing that. Oh well. Thanks though!