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Away for Sunday/Monday by Malachyte

I'm going to see New York for the first time! Toby and I are heading out for a small trip, and I'm really excited. We'll be leaving tonight, and won't be back until sometime late on Monday, so you won't be hearing from me until Tuesday. I don't know much about NYC to be honest, so I'm very interested to see just how overwhelmingly large it is. Most of all, I'm excited because I know there is a Kinokuniya there, and I've wanted to see that store since high school. I also want to check out BookOff, and a grocery store called Dainobu. Finally, for the first time since I left Japan from my study abroad, I will get my hands on some proper, delicious, Japanese Royal Milk Tea. I've been craving it for 8 years, but nowhere I've lived sells it, and buying liquids online is pricey. It's going to be glorious.

See you all Tuesday! I'll be marathon streaming DraKitten's commission when I get back, so look forward to more adorable lions. Additionally, I'll finally be writing up my follow-up on the Paypal issue of adult material, as I've gotten all the info I think I'm going to get on the matter. And last but not least, I'll be changing my furry username, which is something I've been meaning to do for years and years. It's going to be a pain in the butt, but the time has come.

Away for Sunday/Monday


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    Of course you're gonna wanna go to a place called Book Off. It's like the store was named for you. :y

    Said it before, but I'll say it again: Stay safe and have fun!

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    Don't get arrested for booking off in public