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Digital artists: what is your primary paint program? by jonas

I'm trying to get a sense for what folks are using these days. Poll here:

I know, I know, I left [x program] out. ;P

Digital artists: what is your primary paint program?


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    wtf they're checkboxes but i can't pick more than one?

    I use sketchbook on an android tablet and gimp on desktop

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    Understanding I'm barely even a hobbyist digital artist...
    I liked SAI but the more I used it the more annoyed with it I became. It feels more 'hobbyist' than 'tool for an illustrator', if that makes sense.

    For my limited experience, MangaStudio seemed to hit that sweet spot of legit semi-pro product with reasonable price, features, etc. Gimp and PS can net some great results but they felt like they took forever to just configure to be convenient.

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    I use Manga Studio 5/Clip Studio (which are actually the same program, but MS is a physica discl and Clip is digital). I used to use SAI a lot and typically I recommend it to people just starting out because of it's inviting interface and large community of people making brushes for it. Ultimately though I made the switch to MS5/Clip because it was essentially SAI-meets-Photoshop and met my needs a lot more.

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      Y'know, it's really backwards because I have a digital copy of Manga Studio 5. Like it was an option, and if I'm not wrong, Manga Studio was "around" before Clip Studio Paint was to buy from Smith Micro's English site? Or at least, I don't remember seeing the option to purchase CSP when I did, and this was sometime in mid-2013. It's just an all around confusing line. Why offer digital copies of the same exact program? And they've both gone on sale at different times, too. I'm just ????????????

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    I just recently downloaded Krita and I've got to say, as someone who is fluent in Photoshop, Illustrator, Sai, and Correl, Krita sure gives them all a run for their money. Very smooth and beautiful interface, lots of brushes, and oh yeah, totally free. The only qualms I have so far is it saves in a filetype that's not something any website would use, and converting things even to PNG seems to make them lose some quality, AND the eraser isn't a tool in and of itself, its a type of brush tool, which is... mildly annoying, but that might be just because I haven't figured out if they have brush "favorite" settings or not.

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      I downloaded Krita not-too-long ago too. I've played around with it a bit, and I'd love to learn it for realsies, but my computer is ancient and it lags like molasses in January. I'm hoping that when I get a new set up that I can learn how to use it well enough to be somewhat competent haha. Also, the mascot is adorable. I mean, it doesn't really count for much in the grand scheme of things, but it sure as heck doesn't hurt. :V

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        Hey if you figure out some neat tricks let me know! And yessss that mascot is super cute! I agree!

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    Photoshop, SAI and OpenCanvas 6.