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Life Patterns by Malachyte

I'm not really looking for advice or anything, I'm just kind of jotting down a common problem I seem to have every couple months. Maybe if I write it down, I'll remember it better and be able to help myself avoid it more frequently?

I need a set amount of things to be healthy and happy. Balanced food, adequate sleep, positive interactions, good work flow, exercise, relaxation time, and personal hygiene. I don't need all of them all the time, but I definitely need most of them most of the time. However, sometimes life lines up juuuuust right, and I fall behind on all of them, just a little. When that happens, a cascade of badness falls on me, emotionally and physically, and I'm left confused and unable to understand why I feel "kinda down" (heading steadily into "really terrible").

I wish I had a check list I could keep in my mind, to make sure I'm doing most of these things each day. I try to remember them, I try to write them down or use little tricks to keep on track. But at some point I always slip up.

This time, I think it started because a week and a half ago, I broke my headphones, so that made my inclination to go to the gym plummet. I didn't go for almost two weeks. Then I stopped doing my daily stretches, leading to a stiffness of the body. After that, it was a mix of trying to work long hours to get through my commission queue, which lead to me neglecting to eat for long periods. I already have a very hard time remembering to eat, now that I'm not in an environment where I have a company designated "lunch time" that I have no choice but to take, but this was pretty bad. I almost fell over when I went to go get food and shower yesterday, which lead me to really stop and go, "Oh hey, this is worrying." I put off showering until way late in the day, and didn't care about putting on nice clothes (dressing well seems to help my mood a lot). All that, plus I'm right around that super great fun time of the month that the female body just has to go and do. Dump all that sour mood into all my interactions with my friends, and it's just a shitastic time for myself and everyone around me.

The part that makes me frustrated is that this is completely avoidable. If I could just recognize that these things are starting to happen, I could save myself the trouble. It took me a week of build up, then 3 days of being super rude to everyone around me before I understood why I was so upset. All I needed to do was eat something, meditate for 10 minutes, and calm down.

I seem to be out of the situation now. I set an alarm clock all throughout the day to remind me to eat something every few hours, for one. I'm partially wondering if maybe this is just something that's going to happen now and then. Those so-called "Bad Days" people are supposed to get. I don't know if I buy into it, though.

So that's my vent about my physical and mental state. I really, really hope that writing it will help keep it in my head as something to look out for.

Since I'm writing this down so I'll remember stuff I should remember, I'm going to jot down my little self-remedies that I know about, but always forget about when the time comes to use them.

Drink a warm beverage, preferably tea
Sit down and meditate, 10 minutes
Write in my "List Yourself" journal
Play Rez HD
Play DDR until you can't
Ruminate on your achievements
Play calming music
Paint nails with that bumpy textured polish and then touch them

Life Patterns


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    I'd probably fail to go to the gym too should I lose music. Funny enough, my MP3 player recently fell ill. It didn't die completely, but it only plays out of one ear unless you squeeze the headphones to the right, the little screen is all a jumbled mess of pixels, sometimes it won't even load up and when it does, it takes about a thirty seconds to switch songs on occasion (and hitting play is hit and miss as to whether the song starts). Needless to say, it was time for a new one. It was like, a fifteen dollar MP3 player, though, so I should be happy it lasted me this long, being beaten up and all (I've dropped it so many times).

    With cruddy music, though, I can't dance at the gym. Ever tried dancing at the gym in the racketball rooms, or where they do the zoomba lesson stuff? So much fun :D. Dancing for twenty minutes beats stars out of twenty minutes on the stair master, any day. Of course, you still have to do the stair master... and people start to stare at you if you dance on the stair master. It's not my fault if each stare falls down perfectly with the beat of the music! T_T

    Also. Forgetting to eat?! Maybe you need tastier bamboo :D.

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    For self applied mood uppers, I'd also add:

    Have a bit of chocolate (I'm talking even just a square from a Lindt bar or something of the like)
    Get some natural light (even if only from keeping the blinds open for the day)

    Those two are really important for me sometimes.

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      I hear about eating chocolate as a mood aid all the time, but it doesn't really feel any different after I eat it. /shrugs/
      I do get natural light every day, at least! The computer room is the brightest in the house.

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        I find chocolate more keeps my mood form deteriorating further. It's not so much an upper as a stabalizer for me. Different people react to just about everything differently. The important thing is that you're aware of it and gave it a shot :3 Also, good thing with the light.

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    "Paint nails with that bumpy textured polish and then touch them"
    Okay, this intrigues me. I'm a very tactile person, and it's one of the reasons why I love hands so much. I've always had this thing with texture, and I touch so many things. Neat things, cute things, gross things, and random things (like when I'm walking through a store, I'll just touch something when I pass by it, typically without thinking about it). Usually when I see something, my first reaction is that I want to touch it... especially things that most people wouldn't want to. Like wounds. There's this infamous picture on the internet of a hand that had gone through a paper shredder, and you have no idea how badly I want to touch it. The same is true for this equally infamous Photoshopped picture of fingers that are hollowed out and have a jagged, bony sort of look to them.

    As a kid, I'd wrap a specific part of my baby blanket around my hand and rub it onto the side of my face. The blanket is a 3 x 3 grid with a heart in the center of each square made out of different fabrics that have different patterns on them. The middle one was this plain, less saturated green, and it was my absolute favorite. I literally wore a hole through that particular spot, and there are a few other hearts that are sorta worn and have thinner patches, but it's not nearly as prominent. I also used to take small pieces of Scotch tape and play with them on my fingers and palms, generally folding the tape over itself a bit (to make sort of a little cone shape) and then run my nails back and forth over it. I don't know how or why I started doing it, but it feels interesting and good--but only with good tape. There's certain types that suck, but iirc the green Scotch magic tape and the red Scotch magic tape are both bueno. It's been a few years since I've done it, but now I really want to.

    Surprisingly enough, the textures that I hate more than anything and will not touch willingly are velvet, corduroy, suede, and pipe cleaners. You'd think that fuzzy shit would be my jam, but nope. I hate them. Hate hate hate those specific things, and they'll make my skin crawl--especially if it gets underneath my nails. Ugh.

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      Corduroy bugs me too, actually. I like the texture of the cloth, but the bumps/lines of the cloth are really weird to me.

      But yeah, I got this nail polish at a discount store of some sort. It's called "Sugar Coat" and it also says "Sally Hansen" on it. I didn't know it was bumpy when I bought it, but it really is like you painted your nails, then a bunch of granulated sugar got stuck to them. I like to put a single coat of clear polish on after it, to smooth it out just a tad. It's really odd and pleasant feeling, and I find it soothing. If I find another bottle, I'll definitively pick some up for you and send it your way! It was only about $1.50, ha.