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what movie scared you the most? by doggubittsu

i can't sleep even though i'm super tired from driving back from a road trip, so ive been watching POV videos of amusement park rides and someone did one of the twister ride at universal.

made me curious for some reason. 2 a.m curious. what movies scared you the most as a kid or even now?

for me because of it, its actually twister. that movie still scares the piss out of me. when i first saw it as a kid i had nightmares for like years of tornados destroying my house, i still do. i'm absolutely horrified of tornados, i can't even appreciate them for being "neat spectacles of nature", i literally just want them to die. whenever we have a tornado watch or warning on the news i'm literally hyperventilating up in my room on the verge of tears.

SO tell me what movies ruined your life or still do. i'm probably about to pass out but it'll be fun to read them when i wake up.

what movie scared you the most?


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    when I was in the 5th grade, I got to go down to Corpus Christi, TX to visit the USS Lexington with my Webelos cub scout patrol on the chance to be able to stay the night on the ship. Well, night before we actually got there, stayed in a motel nearby and dad just had to watch the movie Ghost Ship on the room's TV and I of course watched also. Let's just say...I barely got any kind of sleep on that aircraft carrier because of the images running through my mind of how the characters in that movie died, and me being stuck in the pitch black crew's sleeping deck on a real life ghost ship. This was also after the staff of the ship held a ghost story event in one of the anchor rooms, some hiding in nearby rooms banging on walls and turning stuff at key points in some of the stories.
    All in all, I loved being able to explore the ship, it was absolutely incredible seeing much of the structure, but I'll be damned before I stay another night on that thing because of my highly-active mind

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      oh no! its kinda neat that you got to explore a real ghost ship though but still!

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    When I was a kid The Fly freaked me the FUCK out. More recently, I thought Antichrist was a really damn good movie.

    There was also this one movie which I can't remember the name of, but there was this one scene where these people were trapped inside of a house, it was very grey outside and then like a gigantic flock of birds just start to circle the house and violently cover it in bird shit. As a kid that scene always scared the hell out of me for some reason. Was it even a movie??

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      nooo, that movie gives me the heebie jeebies but its really good.

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    i can't tell you what movie scared me the most, but i can tell you what game.
    when i was but a wee lad, we got a new computer, and the guy we got it from had preloaded a crap ton of freeware games on to it. one of the first ones i played was wolfenstine 3D, and boy did i freak out from the blood and gore of killing my first pixel man.

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    Not a horror movie but as an 8 year old Gummo fucked me up so so bad, still does so much i cant watch it,

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      don't think i've ever heard of it!

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      i love that movie!

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        It gave me a WHOLE ton of nightmares after I watched over and over again.

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      I havent seen the movie yet but the book really freaked me out when I was younger.

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        All I'm gonna tell you is I'm not going to spoil it.

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    Probably the one I still have nightmares about is hostel 2. Since all that shit COULD technically happen :(

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      i could barely sit through the first one. so much torture and in a realistic fashion.

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    Oh man, I totally feel you on Twister. I was forced to watch it as a kid and I never really recovered from it, haha. Natural disasters and possible-apocalyptic crap scare the hell out of me now.
    Other movies that really messed me up was Final Destination (another movie I was forced into watching. Honestly, who the hell takes a little kid to a movie theater to see that?!), The Happening, pretty much anything that is realistic horror or possible apocalypses means I'm peeing myself scared, haha.

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      final destination screwed me up for trusting planes for the rest of my life.

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    i actually was terrified after seeing the truman show as a kid.. like what if i didnt know people were watching me?? i still get paranoid sometimes because of it but ive never watched it a second time

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      no i understand that feeling, i'm always thinking, what if someone can see what im doing and i dont know?

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    When I was a kid I was around while my parents were watching Flatliners and that movie scared the piss out of me. I bet it wouldn't be scary now but I was so upset by it back then that I never want to even give it another try.

    As a teenager the end of Braveheart really disturbed me... I didn't expect them to actually show graphical torture on screen. :S I think I ended up hiding behind my partner and asking him to tell me when it was over.

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      never heard of it! and oh no, yea i can't do too much torture especially if its drawn out and gory.

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        I think the premise was that this team of researchers purposefully died for a few minutes and were revived so they could learn more about death, but not only was that idea really frightening to me, but they also had weird hallucinations and stuff after? I dunno the specifics, it was just really spooky.

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    the first movie that really scared me was signs. it hit me when i was super impressionable about life in the galaxy and i never once considered that they would want to cause harm. so yeah, that really messed me up lmao. and then a few years ago the fourth kind came out..i saw it in the movie theater and i was so scared by the end i had to call my mom to make sure she was okay.. !

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      I second you on Signs. That movie scared the bejesus out of me.

      I had trouble sleeping one night a few weeks after seeing it in theaters. I was awake at like 1am in my bed. And you know how the aliens in the movie make that clicking sound? I heard that in the hallway outside my room. I was absolutely petrified.

      My mom was just watering some house plants at night for some reason. No big deal.

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      oh no! signs was pretty unnerving for a sci fi themed movie. and i haven't seen the fourth kind!

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    Paranormal Activity....the first time I saw it I was on shrooms so I thought it was real. Never really got over it
    Also saw the bababdook about a month ago and that has stuck with me as being pretty scary!

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      No paranormal activity was rather good, since it seemed very realistic. babadook was super good as well, the only thing that killed it for me was that i thought the childrens book image of the babadook was actually much creepier than the real babadook. I kinda wish they just would of hid it the whole movie.

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    This is a good question aha

    As a kid I loved the movie Ghostbusters but the demon dog-things gave me nightmares for absolutely years. I mean look at them, how do you NOT have nightmares about this

    As an adult I find it difficult to get scared per se, more like I get disturbed by some moments in movies? The only one that has ever given me the heebies is the Pale Man scene from Pan's Labyrinth, I was gripping the chair arms in silent terror watching that from the moment he popped his little eye-ballers in.

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      i've actually never seen ghostbusters in its entirety. i've only seen handfuls of minutes of the movie at random intervals. and yea, i'm a wittle scaredy cat with an over reactive imagination but also a burning love for horror, it doesn't mix well. i know i watched pan's labyrinth when i was young, but i for the life of me can't remember anything from it.

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    I love questions like this!! I'm a huge horror fan and actually have been working on a series of dissertations on what makes movies enduringly scary and why it's sometimes not even a horror movie.
    Drama can leave more lasting impressions of terror than a lot of movies with the intention to scare the audience, and I find that really compelling.
    So I hope you don't mind if I comb this thread haha.

    To answer your question though, I think the movie that scared me the most was probably The Sixth Sense?? Eraserhead also affected me pretty deeply and I had to watch it in segments because I was so tense.

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      Ooh that sounds really interesting! I'd love to hear what you think on some of those topics. and actually...i don't think i've ever seen the sixth sense. gee, i need to catch up on my classics.

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    Signs fucked me up as a kid
    it fuckin freaked me out so much i couldnt even finish watching it i cried and had nightmares its was terrible lmfao

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      Oh no, signs seemed to ruin a lot of lives. haha! I can see why though, they made the aliens seem more like weird predator animals that frolic through corn fields waiting to eat your dog than intelligent beings.

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        PRETTY MUCH ya and the worst part is like?? who really knows what aliens are like
        any and every alien movie could be accurate

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          Only Mac & Me is confirmed accurate. It's us and that hordes of that specific life form. Alone.

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    Jurassic Park, for a movie that really affected me. My mom let me watch it when I was like 4, and it gave me nightmares for weeks, then when we went to Animal Kingdom in Florida and went on the dinosaur rides, I was terrified, jammed my eyes shut the whole time. Dinosaurs still freak me out, especially animatronic ones @@;

    Woman in Black really freaked me out the most for more recent movies, I can't think of a horror movie that creeped me out more than that one. Some really unnerving visuals in that movie. Also in the new Avengers movie when The Vision was brought to life, I felt legit scared. XD since I have no idea about the characters or the comics etc., he really freaked me out too in the beginning.

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      oh no! jurassic park is one of my favorite movies of all time. its definitely not a kid movie though.

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    I think when I was about 12 I watched Night of the Living Dead and it really scared and fascinated me, it was unlike anything I'd ever seen before. Jaws and Jurassic Park also scared the bejeezus out of me when I was much younger.

    As an adult I'm a little more hard-pressed to think of a film that really wigs me out. Probably the film Pontypool because things are much scarier when they're suggested instead of explicitly shown (and most of the scary events in the film are only heard through radio broadcasts).

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      i've never heard of the last one. But i agree with you completely. I've had a couple movies get ruined for me because they showed the creature or thing they were hiding the whole time.

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    Torture movies. Any of them. Slasher gore, horror thrillers, paranormal horror, all of those are things I like and can handle pretty well. But the second a death is drawn out for pleasure I freak out a lot. Martyrs is a legitimately terrifying film for that reason. The Hostel movies, and the Saw movies. The kicker is that I've seen all of them because it used to not bother me, but at some point that changed and now I can't even watch a drawn-out death in a slasher movie.

    That being said, we just watched You're Next last night in a pillow fort and it was an amazingly good slasher movie. I loved it!

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      yea i'm with you on that! i can handle some torture but if its too drawn out or graphic then i'm noping out. i remember i really loved the ruins but the whole "leg" scene if you know what im talking about is a big nope. oh i wanted to see you're next! somebody told me it was awful so I didn't watch it, then again somebody told me the purge was awful too and when i watched it wasn't great but it also wasn't bad.

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        Without giving anything away, You're Next just had a really impressive main character! Also if you ever watched South of Nowhere (lesbian teen show that's really horrible but i know so many lesbians that watched this and loved it, including me...), Spencer's dad is in the dad in this. I liked the cinematography a lot, too!

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    I was pretty spooked by the original House on Haunted Hill when I was but a young 'un! Now it's one of my favorite cheesy old horror movies.

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      ah i love that movie! haha.

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        So do I! They just don't make them like that anymore.

        "Remember the fun we had when you poisoned me?"

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    When I was a kid, my dad was given Stephen King's "Langoliers" on VHS, and after watching that, I was terrified that one would jump out of my closet or something. The monsters were huge ball-shaped creatures with a mouth that split open three ways and had multiple rows of teeth that rotated like a chainsaw. Plus it had Balki from "Perfect Strangers" acting like a deranged nutcase which creeped me out from ever wanting to watch that tv show again.

    I like time travel movies. The concept of there being a past, present and future, and that people flew through a time rip into the past and that the Langoliers job was to eat the entire Earth once it became the past to wipe the slate clean was interesting to me. But those lil fuzzballs with teeth gave me nightmares as a kid. :P

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    Not a movie per say, but a commentary free play-through for the playable trailer for Silent Hills. THIS. PLAY-THROUGH. BROKE. ME.
    No joke. I've gotten scared and screamed at movies before, but this. It was on a whole other level. I was a blubbering mess by the end.
    I know i'm being pretty hyperbolic, but I have never been so terrified for my life. Here's a link if anyone wants to watch it.