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On The Path to Success, or Stalled? by wwwolf

So, is anybody primary on Weasyl or using it day-to-day?

The design appears to be coming along nicely, and I don't have any major complaints about the UI or infrastructure, but I'm getting a distinct feeling that there just isn't the traffic here. I find it rather surprising with all the drama currently surrounding the competing website.

Some of the features here are quite nice, and the complete lack of advertisements is refreshing (for as long as it lasts...), but if the community hasn't reached critical mass then it's a bit of a non-starter.

You know something has to be lacking when I can post a chapter and it's still on the front page the next day.

On The Path to Success, or Stalled?


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    Hey, just commenting to say I share your concern/frustration. FurAffinity is downright fucking terrible, for far more reasons than just its interface and security holes. People stay there because that's where their friends are. At this point its more third rate social network than art sharing community. But it's always something there and that something always brings a few people here or elsewhere. It's only a matter of time before technological advances alone render it obsolete and non-functional. Being sold to IMVU, itself a struggling company is probably going to be its undoing. That's one of the reasons I'm posted on the block here just waiting it out. Barring something revolutionary, anyone who thinks it's going to last forever is playing themselves. Frankly a decade is more than most sites get and that's even why they try to keep up. FA doesn't even try. So I wouldn't worry too much. But that being said no one here or there should put all their eggs in one basket. Really, we shouldn't even be taking Weasyl for granted. That could go any day too. We just never know what goes on behind the scenes and we always get thrown for a loop when we put too much faith in a server and some code/code-monkies. All we can rely on is our work and our resourcefulness.

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      I will say it's impressive how long the other site has remained online and growing, and it's even (so far) managed the very tricky business of changing owners. I never wish ill upon anyone, but it is very telling that the other site remains as successful as it is.

      Perhaps at some point we'll see a new victor step in to claim the crown, but I won't be placing my bets just yet.