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Gastritis/Gerd questions? by Happysorry

Hi guys! With all the doc visists and stuff.

My doc believes I have gastritis or gerd, I'm getting used to the diet. Searching around on online for foods and advice.

If theres any other people who suffer from it, i'd like to know what kind of food or items you like to snack on or helps with the pain and all. The medicine given to me previous helps with pain but it causes constipation and that just ends up making it worse.

So any other ideas/recipes/ or any other advice would be highly appreciated! I could use the help :(

Gastritis/Gerd questions?


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    I don't happen to have GERD, but I did a search for it on one of my fav nutritional blogs. This article popped up, seems pretty informative Hope you find something useful in there. I've found his articles helpful in the past, though a lot of the medical terms go over my head!

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      I'll take a look into that I appreciate it :D

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    I have some case of gastritis or gerd, I'm mostly off-meds at this point and I had to almost completely remove fruit juices from my diet, at least the more acidic ones, because it invariably leads to pain. (Sodas are a big no-no also, although I enjoy a cola from time to time.) I also have to be careful with some types of food, and above all not lay down right after I eat (such as before sleeping). It's complicated for me because I burn calories super fast, I need to eat often, and I stay up late so I eat until pretty late, but yeah I have to make sure I haven't eaten too closely to the time I go to bed or I will wake up in pain either in the middle of the night or in the morning. Horizontal positions do not help with reflux as it's easier for the content of your stomach to go past the lower esophageal valve and up your esophagus; so, with a fuller stomach, as you lie down it's even worse.

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      thanks i'll keep that in mind, yeah i've been told juices are a no if they have citrus.

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        Yeah, lemon, orange, grapefruit... they're the worst juices in terms of acidity to me.

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    I was diagnosed with gerd a few years ago, but once I did away with dairy, it mostly disappeared, honestly. I can have all manner of acidic fruit juices and dishes without a problem... sometimes, too much oil will cause it to flare up. but other than that, i don't have much trouble anymore.