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April 2015 and in the subject of friendship by HornetV2

Well its already April. Getting ready for BLFC and working on a new suit for the con. So that may consume most of my month, so pics may be scarce for now at least. Nothing else to report on the upcoming fluff stuff for now.

You can stop reading unless you would like to check some personal stuff.

So, the last couple months have been difficult in the "friends" front. I'm not saying everyone, I'm not saying certain someone in specific. But in general, I've been dealing with, true colors, if we want to call it that way, from people that I thought were my close friends.
Let's just say to begin with, I got ditched by X because he out of sudden goes around saying he wants to keep a low profile and that I'm way too "popufur" to keep as a friend, so there he blocked me.
There's also the case of people still calling me their "bro" when they can't reply to a comment and are always busy favoriting porn, take that for a bro.
How about giving support, trying to cheer up someone, just to find condescending messages that my efforts were in vain and my time was wasted.
And there's a special case, I'm not saying who, but I thought of him as one of my closest friends, who asked me something that may not be much, but to me it meant A LOT, just to find out recently that it wasn't really meant to happen. Like, why don't you just stab me where it hurts the most instead?
I've been in the verge of depression once again because of this, I've felt left behind and in some cases like I'm just treated like the token minority member of the group. There's also I'm kinda growing tired on twitter. I get excited over something, someone is a smartass towards me. I write something funny, someone is a smartass towards me. I write something serious, someone is a smartass towards me. No matter what I write someone ends up being a smartass towards me.
Makes me really wonder sometimes if I'm really a good person, or at least someone worth something...
But well, that's just how I've felt lately, but as usual, I'm forced to put on a happy mask and pretend I'm ok because that's what people want to see.

I guess I'm just realizing who my real friends are and who actually is out there for me. Anyways, don't give me your pity now that you read this. I know by now who means it and who doesn't. Take care

April 2015 and in the subject of friendship


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  • Link

    Sadly, I understand how you feel. Being left questioning the sincerity of friendships and questioning misplaced trust is very painful.

    • Link

      It is indeed. Sorry to hear happened to you as well

  • Link

    Awr, dude. I'm sorry. You're a fun guy when we've met and I'd like to get to know you a bit more. At least I'm looking forward to see ya and everyone else at BLFC!

    • Link

      See you at the con ^^

  • Link

    Gah, that sucks. For what it's worth, Kobi and I are just a Max ride away if you want to just hang out with someone with no strings attached. We've only met briefly but you seem like a really nice guy.

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    Scumbag traitors everywhere

    • Link

      yeah, pretty much

  • Link

    I'm sorry to hear about this, bud. You are a great friend.