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What is a "Friend"? by Cassander

So I've finally joined Weasyl and I'm in the process of following and friending all the people I usually do...

But Weasyl has given me a dilemma. What is a "friend"? For artists that I talk to sometimes and kinda know, this is easy. Follow and friend. But what about artists I've never so much as sent a note to before? Should I friend these? It seems like people just follow and friend everyone, kind of like on DeviantArt, where both features are basically combined. Cause some people set their sites as friends only.

But, for example, what about someone like FoxAmoore? I've never talked to them before except maybe leaving a comment once or twice saying I like a song they wrote. Should I friend them? It gets rather confusing.

I guess I prefer sites that just have "follow" or "watch" because you don't have this weird "friend" concept. I'm probably taking the word too seriously. It probably means, "someone I am willing to talk to, including a total stranger, but not that creepy guy who's stalking me." I donno.

Should I just send friends requests to everyone, or only the people I actually talk to sometimes?

What is a "Friend"?


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    If you've never held a conversation with someone- you'd probably be best off just following them and leaving the friend button for people you talk to/have talked to frequently.

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    I just joined, and I was thinking about the very same thing. I'll probably ask people to be friends, if I seem to like their personality, based on their journals and comments. And then it is up to them to accept or decline. I am likely to send you a friend request. But you are free to decline if you like. I know we haven't spoken at all, really. Just left a few shouts at each others shoutboxes, if I recall correctly.

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    If I talk to people, or have met them in person and we have gotten along, I send a friend request. :) I am cautious about extending them, but always happy to accept them!

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      Ack, I didn't send you a friend request? You were an easy call, but apparently the website either timed out or I spaced. Anyway, thanks for noticing that I didn't and sending one yourself - happily accepted.

      And yeah, I'm basically friending people that I talk to sometimes, whether in streams or notes or IM or irl or what not. Course now I can't help but separate people into the six categories of watching vs not:

      1. They watch me, but I do not watch them.
      2. They watch me, but I do not watch them, and we are friends.
      3. I watch them, but they do not watch me.
      4. I watch them, but they do not watch me, and we are friends.
      5. We both watch each other.
      6. We both watch each other and are friends.

      Number 6 is common and easy to understand. I think 5 might be the rarest, as mutual interest probably will rise to the level of friends at some point. Number 1 and 3 are common enough in terms of a light one-way fan relationship, basically. Numbers 2 and 4 is basically a fan with a friendship of some sort having formed, or at least we talk sometimes.

      Sorry - I am way overthinking this! : D

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        It's okay! It is tough to decide! I am fairly shy and usually wait for people to friend me, so I have been avoiding thinking too much about it! ^_^