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Updates: all I seem to do by Zaezar

TL;DR- Fixed editing software. Y'all like crabs, apparently. TeenagerTees has new art. Not all official artwork is made by me. Bought Cities Skylines, I may stream that this week.

It seems all the journals I post are of updates now! What happened to the days where I had exciting things going on, like opening up limited commissions that never get filled and complaining about my stream not working.

I think its better that I just do updates for the near future after all X3

I fixed my video program. So I won't be spamming those energy drink reviews on my YouTube channel anymore. I still find it funny that the crab video had gotten about the same number of views as my regular content. I guess I wasn't the only one fascinated with that crab!

I finally got around to uploading the new Teenager artwork. If you want to check it out, its going to stay on the Teenager site until I make something to replace it: I actually really like it! As an additional note: all the artwork in the "official artwork" section is there because it was paid for by Teenager Tees to be made. It's not necessarily all my art. As respect to the artists that made the items, their requested credit is put as a caption to the picture. Right now, its all Mikki-Moo and me, but I know that will change in the future as I add more images to it <3

I bought Cities Skylines the other day. I never really cared for the city-builder genre, but this game has me hooked! I might stream it sometime this week. I'm not that good at the game. In fact, I just got done literally killing all my people for an achievement... I didn't get the achievement...

I think that about wraps it up this time around. I'm just happy to get that last journal off my page. It was rather negative, and I have fixed the issues it was talking about.

Updates: all I seem to do


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  • Link

    Yay for more positive stuffs! :)

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      Yep! This weekend has been very needed X3

  • Link

    Woot! Updates! : D

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      But its all I post in journals anymore D: