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I don't like drawing, but I want to draw. What do? by dray-and-erika

(RL Erika)
I really want to get back into drawing. Like really really. But here's the problem: I hate drawing.

I grew sick of drawing a long time ago, thanks partly because people were telling me that the way I drew was the wrong way, and partly because no matter how hard I tried, my art went mostly ignored. It just wasn't worth the effort.

A year ago, I tried to get back into arting, even going so far as to host a couple of streams. But it was so hard just to get myself to put the pencil to the paper, I gave up. Which doubly sucks, because I had recently been gifted a tablet, after promising that I would use it to get back into arting.

The reason why I want to draw is because I have so many ideas I'd like to put on paper. Like right now me and Dray are experimenting with being skunk sisters, and I'd like to draw that. I'd also like to draw us as a couple pokemon. And we have a character that we adopted a long time ago, and this character is supposed to be our caretaker at the orphanage, and I'd like to draw her doing her job at being a caretaker. And I'd also like to do some fan art of furs we know on Second Life and people we like here.

Yeah, there's always freebies. But while freebies are nice, they can only go so far. A lot of times, we're limited in what we can request. Heck, it's a rare occurrance if we're able to get the both of us in the same picture. Commissions would be a good way to really get what whe want, but we can't afford to get those right now.

So I need to get back into arting so I can draw this stuff, myself. But how can I get back into arting when it makes me uncomfortable to try?

I don't like drawing, but I want to draw. What do?


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    From what I gathered your having an art block. Though you are aware of the reason. Peoples judgement is putting pressure on your creativity. The feeling no matter what you scribble on paper is wrong or not correct.

    The simplest I could put it. I would stop caring what others think. Try to remember why you started art. Did it make you happy or excited? Like when we were kids. That finger painting of the turkey taped to the fridge! Days! I know I was high on delight! I didn't care what people thought about my turkey! Lol

    When you do it for you and no one else. No one can tell right or wrong. Find all the things that inspire you and surround yourself in a fortress! Lol Try to find that feeling again.

    Though you will reach a point when you want to improve. This is tricky. It means listening with grains of salt. Bad critiques can damper anyones mood. But its best to toss those out of mind. Now good critiques can still be a bit dicey but the intention is to help. My art teacher ripped flesh critiquing my work for a good few years till I kind of cracked into depression. Know your limits. Take what you can handle in doses and just keep going in life really. Its hard and rough sometimes but sometimes you got to not care a damn and do what you want. Not anyone else.

    I hope this helps even a little. We all have dry spells.