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somethn I've alwas wanted from an art site by Lioness

the ability to mass change the titles of submissions. idk if its a thing thats possible, I dont know anything about coding. but I feel that it is? idk. I always regret the way I start out a gallery naming system but I upload a lot so by the time I've figured myself out in that way I would have to go and change over 100 submission titles one by one
then I'm left uncomfortable with my system but not really in the caring enough to change it

edit: make that over 220 lol

somethn I've alwas wanted from an art site


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    I didn't understand folders when I got here and when I discovered the wonders of took a very long time to go through every piece and assign a folder, so I know what you mean! Maybe someday! :)

    Maybe like just an edit a submission link and then it will list the submissions? Instead of going into a submission, hit edit and then all the work? It would cut out one step I think......

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      On deviant art you can just drag images into assigned folders, unless they removed that since i left, so I know that's something that can eventually be made less of a hassle as well. like i said though idk about coding...

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        It can probably be done with technology! :)

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    D: yeah I wish I could do that as well. there's several dozen images I would like to retitle for consistency but rather not spend several hours doing so.